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Research For Turnover Problems Of JM’s Core Staff By The Embeddedness Theory

Posted on:2015-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T B HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422484811Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the main force of technological innovation and product development, core staff isthe core resources to build enterprise competitiveness and sustainable development.As the economic competition focus shifted to knowledge economy based onintangible capital investment, the core staff become the object of many enterprisesfight for, how to effectively control employee turnover, retaining key talent becomean urgent subject. Work embedding is base on two levels: inside work embedding,outside work embedding and three key dimensions: building links, matching,sacrifice,to analysis the behavior of employee voluntary turnover, in order toprovides a new theoretical perspective to predict the behavior of employee turnover.Based on the theory of work embedding, this paper theory systematically analyzedJM’s core staff turnover problems. The results showed that: there is a significantnegative correlation between work embedding and core staff turnover. It has a goodexplanation of the core employee turnover. Core staff turnover will consider theembedding degree of organizational level first, and then they will consider theembedding degree of community level. The six dimension of work embedding and thecore staff turnover are negatively correlated. Except the dimension of communitysacrifice, other five dimensions can explain the behavior of core staff turnover. Theage, marital status, tenure differences of core staff have a great effect on inside workembedding, outside work embedding and turnover intention. The influence of Genderdifferences on inside work embedding, outside work embedding and turnoverintention is not significant. In each specific factor, such as working environment,work relationships, job content, remuneration packages, employee training, jobstability, community and environment embedded in a higher degree. But such asbusiness prospects, job recognition, corporate culture, jobs, development, professionaladvantages, residential right embedded in a lower degree.Finally according to the system analysis results, this paper put forward suggestionsfrom the aspects of promotion of matching, strengthen the connection, improveturnover sacrifice and so on, to solve JM company’s core staff turnover problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Business administration, Core staff, Resignation, Work embedding, JM company
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