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Analysis Of Impact Of Land Control Policies On Real Estate Market

Posted on:2014-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431971034Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Real estate industry,which is the pillar industry in national economy and the basicindustry related to people’s livelihood,receives great concern of the community.But Thereal estate industry in the development process,overheating in real estate investment andhousing price,exceeding the affordability of people,receives widespread concern andcriticism.In a word,the social problem that it is difficult to purchase housing for ordinaryresidents,brought about high housing price,has taken a sustainable negative impact on realestate and national economy.Land has important roles in regulation of the real estate market, for land is afundamental component of real estate price. In2003, the land policy became the thirdmethod to regulate macroscopically, besides the monetary policy and fiscal policy.Through land supply and land price regulation, to control the pace of development of thereal estate market, housing price control purposes.Based on the transmission mechanism of land policy, through theory and empiricalstudies, this essay had qualitative analysis of interaction model on land market and the realestate market, the impact of land supply and land sold to the real estate market. introducesthe generality of the researched zones and the adjusting process of joint of the land policyand the real estate market according to the facts in Suzhou Industrial Park. Then analyzesthe relationship between the land supply policy and the total amount of the real estate,andbetween the structure of the real estate and the land prices.makes a conclusion andprovides some suggestions....
Keywords/Search Tags:Land, Macro-control, Real Estate Market, Land Price
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