Technological innovation is the source of modern economic development. Socialand economic development is an indispensable power source. SME has becomeChina’s and the world’s most active and fastest growing economic power. SMEsuccess is due to technological innovation R&D personnel. R&D staff is thesubjective initiative and creativity. The R&D results into productivity, makingenterprises in a competitive market and getting on sustainable development. In therapid development of China’s high-tech SME, due to the constraints of their owndevelopment situation and how to effectively attract, retain and motivate researchersto stimulate and mobilize the enthusiasm of the potential for the development of R&D personnel has become a SME Human Resources core development andmanagement.Based on this research concepts and theories in Anshan combing the SME’ R&D personnel for the study, through the region and Liaoning H Group R&D staffmotivation survey analysis, there is a clear incentive for R&D personnel problem, anin-depth analysis of the problem based on the root causes of targeted incentivemeasures and policy recommendations related to research ideas; using literaturestudies, surveys, and comparative analysis of research methods; corporate R&Dpersonnel in the region for the incentive problem, expand the relevant research work..Through this research, the main conclusions are as follows: R&D incentives is notlimited to material incentives, to consider the full range of material and non-materialincentives combined with incentives, and encourage the implementation processshould be supporting the performance appraisal system proposed establish acomprehensive compensation strategy as the main innovative compensation strategyfor the auxiliary incentive pay system, and with the "self-service supermarket"welfare combined emphasis on training and career management combined R&Dpersonnel, R&D incentives, while the implementation of concern corporate incentiveand other personnel needed to further strengthen the region’s corporate culture-relatedconstruction. |