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Risk Identification And Evaluation For The Equipment Manufacturing Project Of 22MCC Based On FAHP

Posted on:2016-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479950413Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s real estate project are declining beginning in 2013,but large-scale high-end equipment industry has a huge market,and also invest in the construction of equipment manufacturing industry is a relatively good choice.Equipment manufacturing factory,as the leader of the low carbon environmental protection industrial estate will increase.But this kind of investment have some risks.In this paper,based on the analysis of the types of the risk on the risk identification,the FAHP method is used to evaluate and control the risk of the equipment manufacturing project of 22 MCC.First of all, the related theories and methods of construction project risk identification,estimation and evaluation of the data and the literature collection and analysis.Secondly,on the basis of relevant theoretical research,combined with the comprehensive risk management theory,current situation and problems, according to the characteristics of equipment manufacturing base of project risk management, through the brainstorming method to identify the main risk of the project, that can begin to study risk factors from economic risk, management risk, design risk, construction process the five aspects of risk, purchasing risk.Third, the article design the equipment manufacturing project, constructs the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method(FAHP) based on the project risk evaluation model. Using expert scoring method to relate to the index system of the order of importance, the formation of metallurgical equipment manufacturing base project risk evaluation index system weight table. In order to make the evaluation results more scientific and reasonable, five standard was set by the project risk evaluation. The three indicators of risk evaluation by ten experts with rich experience in the evaluation, and the corresponding risk assessment project,using the maximum membership degree method to obtain the final level of project risk evaluation.Finally, according to the evaluation results,the specific measures are given to avoid the risk of the project, and puts forward some concrete procedures and methods of risk management in the field of engineering construction application. Key investment projects in the project belongs to the Chinese Metallurgical Group, risk identification and control of the scientific, to make more scientific decision for its, is of great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:engineering project construction, risk management, risk identification, risk evaluation
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