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Volleyball Present Situation Of University In Henan Province

Posted on:2017-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330488953953Subject:Physical Education
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Balloon Volleyball sport is a sport of self-invention, which originated in the 1980 s, because it is a set of education, sports, fitness and entertainment in one of the sport's popularity volleyball and having spherical mass light, soft ball, safe, relatively simple rules, adapt to a wide range of range as well as its high ornamental, interesting features and loved by the elderly. Balloon Volleyball can make people's life more colorful cultural entertainment and inspire the masses fitness interests and habits, to meet the public in their busy lives and lower demand pressures on health. Balloon Volleyball is a collective project between the players on the pitch with the players, we need to communicate with each other between the players and coaches and everyone involved, so people involved in the process gas volleyball in between each other only through the exchange of cultivate a sense of collectivism, team pride, more emotional depth between each other, enhance friendship. The current development of Balloon Volleyball in social groups very fast, an emerging sport for all ages, and should, be better popularization and development. In order to carry out more extensive mass sports activities to improve the national physique, to promote the development of China's socialist modernization drive, the Chinese government promulgated the "National Fitness Program Outline" in 1995. And plans in 2010 to coordinate efforts to achieve the development of sports and national economy and social undertakings, improve physical fitness and health of the Chinese nation, basically built with Chinese characteristics fitness system, gas volleyball fitness is an important part of. Rise of gas volleyball has become a new hot spot for modern people fitness training, which is in a relaxed, entertainment technology, which gradually became a popular loved a modern sports and fitness programs. Under the current circumstances the popularity of gas volleyball in the face not only to the elderly population, more important is the gas volleyball back to a younger age, so that gas volleyball truly become a physical education programs in the community of all ages to participate. Colleges and universities to train young highly qualified local talent, gathered numerous young vibrant, sunny, they are full of curiosity about new things, but also has a passion for the sport of surging, the gas is also pushing Volleyball to the development and popularization of younger natural breeding ground. Given the gas volleyball has good social values and social needs, as well as having great significance to the achievement of lifelong sports. In this paper, in Henan Higher gas volleyball Current Situation of the investigation as a starting point, through literature, investigation, mathematical statistics and logical analysis and other research methods as well as for gas in Henan Higher gas volleyball volleyball experts visit and field observations, Present Situation conduct research. This survey focuses on anger College High School volleyball classes and teachers to participate in the status quo gas volleyball, and analyze their problems, discuss problem-solving strategies, and give reasonable opinions and suggestions. Survey results show:1. College of Henan Province to carry out gas volleyball is not optimistic, Henan currently only a small number of colleges and universities offer courses gas volleyball, and most schools are not involved in the gas volleyball crowd, requires a lot of knowledge of the popularity of gas volleyball, forcing colleges and universities to participate in groups among them.2. Course in Henan Higher gas volleyball development situation is not optimistic, carried out not widespread enough space insufficient equipment and facilities, there is no corresponding gas volleyball materials, and the emergence of little girls more than boys imbalances, students participate in extra-curricular activities are also gas volleyball to be further carried out, but teaching students to teachers is quite satisfactory.3. The section of gas volleyball Henan Teachers College of the age structure of the poor, the middle mostly teachers, lack of experienced teachers and young and old teachers, but the title structure is reasonable.4. The staff of some institutions in Henan Gas Volleyball situation is better, gas volleyball participants understand in depth, but the lack of professional volleyball gas field equipment and facilities, combined with the leadership level of awareness of gas volleyball is not deep enough, so that the gas Volleyball subject to certain restrictions in universities in Henan Province to carry out.5. College campus volleyball gas atmosphere is not strong, carry less gas volleyball, sports wide variety of courses, badminton, basketball and other projects to occupy a major position, limiting the overall development of gas volleyball.6. The gas itself demanding volleyball, easily accessible, easy to learn, can strengthen exchanges among participants, enhance the friendship between each other, but also conducive to the promotion of lifelong sports consciousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan Province, college volleyball, Present Situation
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