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Heterogeneous Resources,Strength Of Ties And Occupational Attainment

Posted on:2019-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R F QiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research is a basic and positive research on the field of social capital.The research on social capital and status attainment is a traditional field of social capital research and one of the main research fields of social stratification and social mobility.In this field,the strength-of-ties propositions have different judgment and empirical research.Granovetter and Lin Nan suggested strength-of-weak-tie proposition.They regarded the weak ties as the information bridge,and they considered that the weak ties are more useful than strong ties in the occupational attainment.However Bian Yanjie found the opposite proposition.With the strength-of-strong-tie proposition,strong ties were served as the network bridge and bring more resources than weak ties in the occupational attainment.Which ties are more important for the job-seeking? This research suggests that there are different types of social resources embedded in the social network,and these resources can be divided into information and influence.The strength of ties between the actors and contacts are different.That is,the information and influence have different network bridges.Therefore,this research puts forward two hypotheses.Hypothesis 1: Information is mobilized or used through weak ties,and make a positive impact to occupational attainment.Hypothesis 2: Influence is mobilized or used through strong ties,and make a positive impact to occupational attainment.In order to verify the above hypothesis,this research conducted a case study based on the process of job search,and which focused on how job seekers obtain different resources through different ties.The research objects are the job seekers who used social capital to find jobs or the intermediaries who used social capital to help seekers to look for jobs.This research conducted semi-structured interviews and found the empirical evidences to verify the above hypothesis.The research analyzed the definition of strength of ties,the distinction of heterogeneous resources and how heterogeneous resources flow through the different network bridges.By case analysis and theoretical research,this research found the following conclusions: 1,The ties are changing and developing,and they are synchronic,diachronic and asymmetrical.When defining the strength of one tie,it must be associated with specific events and specific moments.2,The heterogeneous resources in the social network can be divided into two types: information and influence.Information mainly refers to the information of job and company,and the influence mainly refers to the recommendation,interview and job provided from intermediaries or helpers.3,Information resources flow through the different channels included the strong ties,weak ties and public platform,and the influence resources flow through strong ties in the occupational attainment.
Keywords/Search Tags:heterogeneous resources, strength of ties, occupational attainment, social capital
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