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Research On The Construction Of Public Service Capacity At The County Level

Posted on:2018-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330518463369Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ability of government public service has been a hot issue of government and society.The second half of 2003,the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao repeatedly described the relationship between the functions of the government and the construction of service-oriented government,and proposed to pay more attention to the primary functions of the government in the public service function,accelerate the construction of service-oriented government.2005 government work report: deepen the reform of government institutions,accelerate the transformation of government functions,building a service-oriented government".The report of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)pointed out: "we must pay more attention to the social construction on the basis of economic development,as a matter of fact,protect and improve people’s livelihood,promote the reform of the social system,and expand public services".2008 government work report stressed the need to shift the government functions as the core,to further rationalize the relationship,deepen the reform of government institutions,the full implementation of its functions,improve public service capacity.The party’s eighteen big focus on promoting the reform of the political system,stressed the need to promote function optimization,rationalize the structure,clean government construction,and strengthen the supervision and restraint system,the masses satisfaction is the measure of all work standards,at the same time to deepen decentralization,improve democratic and open system,realize the effective transformation of government functions.With the development of China’s economy and society and the promotion of economic and social system reform,the demand for public services is increasing.How to provide more high-quality,efficient and convenient public service,become a major problem facing the Chinese government at all levels,but also enhance the service efficiency,to further promote the township governance system modernization and governance capacity to righteousness.The county government as comprehensive people government functions of the lowest level of government,is an important force to achieve scientific urban and rural development,but also to provide public goods and public services,the main responsibility for the majority of the rural areas and farmers.This paper studies the capacity building of public services from the county level,which is directly related to the quality and level of public services,will effectively improve the status of public services,improve the quality of life and level of grassroots.Firstly,this paper expounds the definition and history of the new public management theory,new public service theory and governance theory.Then the county government’s public service capacity building of undertake more social management functions are roughly in order,focus on theoretical exploration on the functions of the government in the public service capacity of county government is not clearly defined,the pressure on fiscal expenditure and the lack of legal protection system.At the same time,in Lijin County of Dongying city as an example,the development of county government,public service planning,social management system innovation and crisis coping ability are analyzed deeply,summarizes the recent Lijin county government to strengthen the government’s public service capacity construction achievements,and deep roots,analysis in the provision of public service capacity,inadequate investment in public finance public service is not in place,awareness of the problem and the reason,thus puts forward the reasonable definition of government functions,improve the public finance system,improve the diversification of public service supply mode,improve the quality of the contingent of cadres and improve the government assessment mechanism,strengthen county government public service ability construction countermeasures and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:county government, public service, capacity building, Lijin County
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