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Analysis Of The Implementation Of Social Stability Risk Assessment Policies

Posted on:2018-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
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In the central government's strong advocacy,social stability risk assessment is booming in our country.How is this policy implemented and that there is a different view of academia and practice? Based on the theory of r i sk theory and polic y implementati on,this pape r studies the whole process of social stability assessm e nt of resettlem e nt of hydropower stations by using the method of "process-event" analysis,and hopes to answer how this polic y is im plemented in the end? How is it done ? Based on the key micro-detail and dynamic process of the D-site hydropower station's risk a ssessment process,this pa per focuses on how the stakeholde rs interact and how the action strategies are taken,highlighting the operational logic behind them.This paper is divided into six parts,in additi on to the first chapter of the introduction,the main part of five chapters.The full text of the six parts in accordance with the questions,theoretical guidance,elaborate events,analysis of the logical order of the problem started.The first chapter is mainly about the issues raised,resea rch methods,sources,case profiles,research process,case se lection,research significance to do a brief statement.The se cond chapter combs the literature,mainly from the risk society,policy implementation theory and social stability risk assessment theory resea rch results to sort out analysis.The third chapter analyzes the evolution of the social stability risk assessment policy and tr ie s to reveal its intended purpose.The fourth chapter focuse s on the specific r i sk assessment case,the r i sk assessment of the variou s stakeholders and the ir interests to conduc t a systematic analysis and thinking.Chapter 5 mainly desc ribes the pol icy practice in the specific r isk assessment event,and describes the action strategy ofeach stakeholder.Chapter 6 analyzes and discusses this pape r,and furthe r studies the research questions.Socia l stability risk assessment policy was originally designed to sol ve the interests of the grassroots people in the policy implementation and evolution of the process,has become the interests of the main body to obtain their own interests while avoiding their own r i sk a powerful tool.In fact,local governments are the ulti mate beneficiaries of this policy.Social stability risk assessment policy for loca l governments to provide a platform for dialogue and dialogue,the potential contradictions and conflicts more explicit a nd reasona ble presentation.In this process,the social stability risk assessment polic y has become a contradictory regulator,multi-party interaction to promote the final adoption of risk assessment,but di d not break the i ncreasingly stable distri bution of benefits,but also its more and more "within the volume."...
Keywords/Search Tags:conspirac y and game, policy implementation, society stability risk, action strategy
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