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Study On High Speed Railway Passenger Fare Based On Bi-level Programming Model

Posted on:2018-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515461957Subject:Transportation engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the rapid development of high-speed railway,its market share is increasing year by year,while traveling demands of passengers also show a variety of characteristics.Passengers’ requirements such as timeliness and comfort and other aspects are getting higher and higher.Faced with competition from road and airline transport,the pressure of railway transport on market competition is increasing,which requires the introduction of advanced pricing ideas and methods.Research on the application of bi-level programming model in the high-speed rail provides a reference for China’s high-speed rail passenger transport tariff reform.Not only does the model help to improve the revenue of high-speed rail company,but it is also conducive to the sustainable development of railway transport enterprises.Through the study of China’s railway passenger pricing history and the status quo.It is found that there exist some problems such as low tariff level,single form of pricing and lack of flexibility in high-speed railway passenger transportation in China.Therefore,it is urgent to study the pricing of high-speed railway passenger transportation.In face of the fierce competition in other modes of transportation,how to fast seize the passenger transport market,and set a reasonable fare becomes the top priority to high-speed railway.Based on the analysis of passenger transportation costs,market competition,passenger traveling needs and other factors,which influence price setting of high-speed railway.The bi-level programming model of high-speed railway passenger transportation is constructed under the condition of elastic demand.More concretely the upper layer planning model takes the maximization of the profit of transportation enterprise as the objective function;the lower planing one is a user equilibrium distribution model of passenger traffic between different transportation modes.At the same time,a model solving algorithm based on sensitivity analysis is designed.Finally,to check the model,the example of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway from Beijing to Shanghai is put forward.The optimal freight rate is 0.5456yuan/person kilometer,higher than the current freight rate of 0.42 yuan/person kilometer.The results illustrate that demand elasticity oriented pricing model for high-speed railway passenger products is scientific and reasonable.Through the above research,it is necessary to establish a suitable bi-level programming model for high-speed railway passenger transport products,and provide reference to the advancement of passenger marketised pricing.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-Speed Railway, Passenger transportation Pricing, Bi-level Planning Model, Sensitivity Analysis Method
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