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Research On The Construction And Optimization Of WeChat Public Platform-based Marketing System For Civil Servants Training

Posted on:2019-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330545485771Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a free application program that provides instant messaging service for intelligent terminals,WeC hat has been widely applied since it was launched by Tencent Inc in 2011.WeChat public platform is a new functional platform developed by Tencent in 2012 and is highly appreciated by enterprise units,institutions and ind ividuals.As far as enterprises are concerned,broad audience base means huge potential business opportunities.Moreover,civil service examination training enterprises in the education and training industry target at young users who are loyal users of WeC hat.Therefore,exploring the construction of marketing system based on WeChat public platform,analyzing and optimizing data are of great significance for civil service examination training enterprises.In this study,important factors that influence cons truction of WeC hat public platform-based marketing system were summarized by reviewing literatures concerning operation,propagation and marketing of WeChat public platform and new media as well as a case study on the WeChat public platform of Henan ZhongGong civil service examination training.Combining theoretical knowledge on journalism and communication,marketing theory and consumer behavioral intention,specific measures and opinions for construction of WeChat public platform-based marketing system fo r civil service examination training enterprises were proposed according to interpretation and analysis of background statistical data on the WeC hat public platform.Additionally,a questionnaire survey on users of WeChat public platform of Henan Offcn civil service examination training was carried out.Involved maintenance staff and director of network marketing department were interviewed.Some optimization and improvement suggestions were put forward based on statistical data analysis of the platform.This study aims to construct and optimize the WeChat public platform-based marketing system for civil service training enterprises,hoping to explore the construction method and optimization references for WeChat public platform-based marketing system.Research results can provide certain guidance to construction and optimization of WeChat public platform-based marketing system for civil service training enterprise in C hina.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat public platform, AISAS model, WeChat marketing, civil service training enterprises
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