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A Study On The Application Of English Story-Teaching In The High Grades Of Primary School

Posted on:2020-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J LiuFull Text:PDF
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English Curriculum Standards(2011 Edition)placed great emphasis on the role of English stories in English teaching.Even since then,story-teaching has attracted more and more attention.Story-teaching is conductive to realizing the objectives designated in the English Curriculum Standards by arousing students? interests and providing a good learning environment.The past few years have witnessed some breakthroughs in the research on story-teaching and the development of story-teaching methods.However,there are still some problems to solve in its application.First this paper sums up the previous research done by various scholars on story-teaching including its concept,values,strategies and theoretical basis.Then the author analyzes the types,themes,quantity,length,language features of the stories in “Read a story” section of Oxford English(Shanghai Edition),and finds out the advantages and the deficiency.Then,the author investigates the present situation of English story-teaching in primary school.Based on the results of school students? questionnaire and teachers? interview,the author analyzes the existing problems of English story-teaching in high grades of primary school.Based on the existing problems,the author carries out the one-semester practical study in the two classes of Grade 5 taught by myself,where the story-teaching method is applied.The observation table of classroom interaction is applied to observe and record the classroom interaction of students in order to understand the real situation of the classroom interaction.Moreover,the author compares the students? questionnaire results with the original.The paper focuses on the practice of Story-telling Teaching in the High Grade of Primary School.The author sums up some principles of English story-teaching: Integrate the story resources;promote effective classroom interaction;provide plenty of input to students after class.During the teaching,the author sums up the effective models and strategies of teaching stories,improve the means of student?s learning evaluation in English story teaching,and make an integrated story teaching and evaluation system.The processes and results of specific story teaching cases are described and analyzed.The author asks the students to complete the questionnaire again and compare the pre-test and post-test results.The findings are as follows: Students? learning interest has been aroused in the English story teaching,and they are more active in English story learning.Students? learning ability has been improved,and they master some learning strategies in performing,retelling,and writing activities.Students have cultivated some good learning habits.They pay more attention in the class and take story learning notes after class.The data of classroom interaction also proves that students are more willing to participate in class.The classroom interaction is frequent and effective.At the end of the paper,the author sums up the results of the research: the system of English story teaching which is fit for students has been formed and it improves students? learning interests and English comprehensive abilities.And the teaching ability has been promoted.The paper also mentions some difficult problems in the process of story teaching,and points out the future research direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:English story-teaching, high grades of primary school, primary school students
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