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A Report On The E-C Translation Of Financial Text From The Perspective Of Text Typology

Posted on:2020-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q WangFull Text:PDF
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As the economic globalization deepens,financial and business activities among countries are more frequent.To enhance cross-border economic exchanges and communication,the translation of financial texts plays a vital role.Nowadays,in the field of foreign exchange,many overseas successful forex traders have summed up their experience and opinions on foreign exchange.And the translation material that the thesis discusses is a book named Bird Watching in Lion Country—Retail Forex Trading Explained written by a successful forex trader Dirk Du Toit from South Africa.According to the British translation theorist Peter Newmark’s text typology,language functions are of three main types:expressive,informative and vocative.Based on these language functions,Newmark further divides texts into three kinds of text type,namely expressive text,informative text and vocative text.To him,informative texts which aims to convey information such as knowledge,facts and opinions are related to industry,agriculture,business,education,science and economy.And this translation material,as a financial text,is of an informative text.While translating such texts,translators should clarify and spread information precisely to target text readers.For this purpose,communicative translation method is more applicable to the translation of informative texts.Based on Newmark’s text typology,the author analyzes the translation material and sums up the linguistic features of the financial text at lexical,syntactic and textual level.Confronted with these features,the author further lists examples to illustrate how to deal with words,sentences and the text It is hoped that these findings can provide some inspiration and reference for scholars and translators who are interested in financial field.
Keywords/Search Tags:text typology, financial text, translation principles, linguistic features, translation techniques
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