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Report On The E-C Translation Of Government Documents Under The Guidance Of Functional Equivalence

Posted on:2020-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W TuFull Text:PDF
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With the rising of her international status,influence and economy,China pays special attention to construction of ecology and environment.President Xi Jinping proposes philosophy that green mountains and clear water are equal to mountains of gold and silver,that is,good environment ensures economic development.Poyang Lake is the biggest freshwater lake in China and the kidney of the earth.Therefore,the construction of Poyang Lake ecological zone is of great significance.This translation practice is based on Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Project,which is conducted by the World Bank mission through visiting Jiangxi for the implementation support of the Poyang Lake Basin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Project implementation.In translation,difficulties are found in terms of lexicon,syntax and texts respectively: frequent use of terminology and abbreviation;wide use of long and complex sentences and passive sentences;coordinate phrases with no connectors,and loose cohesion of sentences.These difficulties are analyzed under the guidance of Eugene.A.Nida‘s functional equivalence and corresponding solutions are explored: at lexical level,literal translation method,special translation methods for special terms are employed,in addition to looking up terminological dictionary and searching for the parallel texts.At syntactic level,passive sentences are changed into the active sentences and methods of amplification,division and recombination are adopted;At textual level,translation strategies of amplification and omission are adopted.Dynamic equivalence is achieved by the lexical equivalence,syntactic equivalence and textual equivalence,which enable the target readers to understand the source text information to the maximum extent and to achieve "the most natural equivalence".At last,it is hoped that this thesis can offer guidance to those translators who will encounter difficulties in the translation of government report and help them to solve their problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government Report, Eugene.A.Nida, Functional equivalence, Translation Strategies
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