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A Report On The Translation Of Archaeologists In Print:Publishing For The People(Chapters 9-10)

Posted on:2021-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LeiFull Text:PDF
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With the rise of seeking cultural origins and the popularization of archaeological knowledge,the Chinese public is attaching more interest to archaeology.Archaeologists in Print: Publishing for the People is a popular book which aims to introduce excavations and works of British early archaeologists to the public.The translation of archaeological materials can not only build a bridge of communication between Chinese and foreign archaeologists,but also provide possibilities for in-depth development of archaeological research.Functional equivalence theory proposed by Nida according to the essence of translation advocates reproducing the information conveyed in the source language with the most appropriate and natural equivalence,emphasizing information equivalence over formal correspondence,and attaching importance to the reception of the target language reader to the target language.Selecting Chapters 9-10 of the book as translation material,this report conducts a detailed case study under the guidance of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory,so as to expound how to achieve functional equivalence in translation practice from the aspects of lexical,syntactic and textual equivalence.
Keywords/Search Tags:archaeology, functional equivalence, lexical equivalence, syntactic equivalence, textual equivalence
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