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Research On The Philosophical Implication Of Marx's Labor Theory Of Value

Posted on:2021-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R ZhangFull Text:PDF
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In view of how to systematically grasp the mutual interpretation of Marx's labor theory of value and Marxist philosophy,the holistic research idea is adopted.From the three dimensions of historical materialism,dialectical materialism and human,the philosophical implication of Marx's labor theory of value is discussed.By turning labor into commodity,Marx's theory of labor value exposes the illusion of equality and freedom of capitalism.Turning labor into commodity represents the domination of dead labor over living labor.The transformation from labor to labor is the development from philosophy to economics.The regulation of capital to labor is the spontaneous result of capitalist social relations and economic structure.Marx's theory of labor value breaks through the illusory nature of the daily concept constructed by bourgeois economics and capitalist social ideology,and proves that the concept of value is a historical process of development.Marx criticizes classical political economy and Hegel's metaphysical construction of labor value theory,and reveals that the metaphysical labor value theory abstracts the dialectical development of society into eternal,non-human economic relations.Different from the classical political economy of "Jingyuan style",Marx's labor value theory adheres to the scientific methodology of dialectical materialism and realizes the logical transformation from "labor value" to "surplus value".Therefore,Marx's theory of labor value is a negative dialectic and a practical dialectic.Marx's theory of labor value takes "the real man" as a historical category,reveals the real situation of the real workers in the capitalist society,and uncovers the social relations contained in the commodities.Marx's labor theory of value changes the objectof concern from "human" in philosophy to realistic,concrete and living laborers.It is from the miserable living conditions of workers and intensified class conflicts that he restores the real relationship between people and deepens the humanistic care of Marxist theory.Marx's theory of labor value and its philosophical implication are "the whole of art".Marxist philosophy has established the scientific methodology of labor value theory,provided the scientific theoretical research foundation for labor value theory,and made it more scientific.On the other hand,Marx's labor theory of value deepens the historicity,reality and practice of Marxist philosophy,enriches Marxist philosophy,and constructs the realistic attribute and practical characteristics of Marxist philosophy different from other philosophies.Great changes have taken place in the form and characteristics of labor in the new era.The development of social reality requires us to show the realistic care of historical materialism in the contemporary labor form.The spirit of labor in the new era adheres to and develops the guiding role of Marx's theory of labor value,with distinct Chinese characteristics and characteristics of the times.The study of Marx's labor value theory will provide theoretical support and ideological guidance for the guiding principle of establishing a new type of labor relations with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Labor theory of value, Historical materialism, Dialectical materialism, Human's all-round development
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