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Translation Strategies Of Informative Texts From The Perspective Of Skopos Theory

Posted on:2021-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S X WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the increasing economic exchanges between different countries,international business contracts play a vital role in ensuring the smooth progress of trade contacts,safeguarding the interests of all parties and resolving business disputes.A Systematic Approach to Translating Contracts into English is written by the Spanish scholar Bob Lunn.The book consists of 16 chapters,including introduction,principles for translating contracts into English,and tips for translating contracts into English,which provides a basic framework for translators to translate contracts into English.This book is an informative text about the method of translating contracts into English,characterized by the frequent and logical use of specialized terminology.Its language is standardized,objective,and accurate.Therefore,the translation should faithfully reproduce the original text and convey the information truthfully and effectively.The present paper is completed based on the translation task of the six chapters of the book which mainly discusses the translation principles of the contracts.Under the guidance of Skopos theory,this translation report analyses the linguistic features of the original text and the translation strategies in dealing with the problems in the translation practice.The research findings are expected to provide some workable translation methods for the translation of similar text type.The report is divided into four chapters.Chapter One is task description,mainly introduces the task background,task significance and theoretical basis.Chapter Two presents the three stages of the translation procedure: preparation before translation,translation process,and proofreading after translation.Chapter Three is case study,analyzes the text type and linguistic features of the book under the guidance of Skopos theory,and discusses the problems and solutions encountered in the task from the lexical and syntactic level.Chapter Four summarizes the problems,translation methods and translation experience of this translation task.
Keywords/Search Tags:Informative texts, Skopos theory, Translation methods
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