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Economic Development?Political Institutions And Governance Reform

Posted on:2019-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B TaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545480983Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study of economic development,political system,and governance reform can reveal the changes in the level of economic development,the relationship between political system transformation and national governance,and can enrich the research content of national governance and democratic construction.It is a better exploration and answer for us.Dealing with the issue of China's governance reform has important implications and it also responds to the issue of building socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics.This article studies the issues of the paper from the following sections through literature research,comparative historical institutional analysis and case study methods.First of all,this paper introduces the background of the subject research through introduction,and elaborates the significance and feasibility of the research on the basis of literature review.In the main part,we first introduce the history of the rise and fall of the “rule” of the first typical state governance method in human history.Based on the description of the natural state,it is found that the emergence of surplus value is the basis for the governance of the “rule” of despotism.Through the explanations of the economic development and political institutional changes in historical periods such as Greece and Rome,it was demonstrated that the level of low economic development is linked to the elite governance model.After studying the Industrial Revolution and the bourgeois revolution in Britain and France,it was discovered that as the level of economic development has increased,the system of monarchy has gradually been replaced by the parliamentary democratic system,and the main body of state governance has been changed from the monopoly of the monarchy to the share of the emerging middle class or transferred to.In the hands of the bourgeoisie.Through the study of the development process of expert governance and corporatism(corporatism),it has been found that experts are controlled by capital.The development of the market economy has revolutionized the model of expert governance,and the replacement of expert governance by the corporatism model has become the main model of state governance.In fact,the corporatism is based on the state as the center of governance,behind which is the result of the development of the western market economy to the monopoly phase and the strengthening of social control.The control of monopoly economy is the result of the growth of social forces in the West and the development of democratic politics.Representative democracy has subsequently become the mainstream governance of Western societies.However,representative democracy under capitalist economic development model is constantly affected by money politics.An empirical study of the development process of party-delegation,bureaucracy,and representative institutions under the representative democracy system has revealed the shortcomings of the so-called democratic governance methods in the West.This deficiency has led to "national failure" and the crisis of legitimacy with the advent of the economic crisis.The research on the representative government and the related content of the crisis of legitimacy,and the implementation of modern parliamentary government itself also have defects.There is a need for governance and reorganization of representative and representative government.Then,through the research on government reengineering and government reconstructing campaigns,this article conducts case studies on the major countries of government reengineering,namely,the British and American countries,and has done the main contents of the government reengineering,public policies,related theories and analysis paradigms.Explaining and discovering that government reengineering will transform the country as the center into the cooperation between the state and the society.Through the study of the third sector that gradually emerged after the decline of the representative system,we found that the changes in the social structure caused by the rise of the third department also caused changes in the way of governance of the country,and the state governance method gradually shifted from the state to the center.The multi-central governance model including the market and the third sector has achieved governance reform.Under the multi-central governance model,the United Kingdom and the United States represented the developed countries in their governance policies,content and path changes,and found that in order to adapt to the economic development,the western developed countries have realized the transition from “totalitarian” governments to “service-oriented governments”.Governance change.Based on the study of participation democracy,consensus democracy,and deliberative democracy in the spectrum of democratic governance in developed countries,we find that economic development promotes democratic system governance and changes are unique to developed countries.By analyzing the governance experience of developing countries represented by Singapore and South Korea,it shows that in order to achieve economic development and achieve modernization,developing countries adopt elite rule or authoritarian politics and virtuous politics.Through the development-oriented government strategy,the “effective governance” road of economic development,improvement of people's livelihood,and social stability has been achieved.This is a different path from that of Western democracies.This chapter also analyzes the governance of China during its 40 years of reform and opening up.By comparing the methods of historical institutional analysis,pointing out from the point of view of path dependence and key nodes,China's economic development has failed to realize Western-style democratic governance reforms mainly because of the differences in China's political system,economic development patterns,and the international environment it faces.Therefore,this chapter finds that the forms of democracy are diverse,and that only a governance model that meets actual needs is based on national political systems and economic development.Conclusion section.The article concludes that in a society with a relatively low level of market economy development,its national governance tends to be dominated by elites,and the political system is more manifested in various forms of despotism.When the development of the market economy is relatively mature,the political system tends to be democratized,and the power of state governance is in the hands of the general public.The article also finds that the development of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics and the development of Western market economy are not consistent in the promotion of national governance reforms,but this does not prevent the effectiveness of China's national governance.This is due to China's political system and economy.Development requirements are determined.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic Development, Political System, Governance Reform, Elite Governance, Popular Governance
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