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A Study On The Causes Of Thailand’s "Balance Diplomacy"

Posted on:2021-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
GTID:2416330602991824Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a small country,Thailand is considered a successful country in diplomacy.Even if it is a small country and its negotiation ability is not strong,Thailand has never been invaded by other countries.It is a country that can always maintain independence and national sovereignty.In other words,no matter how complicated the world situation is,the country of Thailand has always dealt with it.Moreover,Thailand’s most important diplomatic weapon is "Thailand balanced diplomacy".Balanced diplomacy is a principle that Thailand has always adhered to,because it is successful almost every time.Maintaining balance is at the core of Thailand’s diplomacy for every generation that can help Thailand escape from dangers.So why is Thailand so successful in this kind of balanced diplomacy.Especially among the overwhelming powers of various great powers,which can invade a small country like Thailand at any time,how can Thailand maintain a successful diplomacy.This article will analyze the logic of national interests.Various acts of Thai diplomacy,such as neutrality,bamboo diplomacy,pragmatism,and equidistance,are the main contents of Thailand’s balanced diplomacy.Moreover,this article will analyze Thailand’s balanced diplomatic behavior through geographical,human,and external environmental factors.Explain the causes of Thailand’s balanced diplomacy? How to be one of the countries that balance diplomatic success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thai diplomacy, Thailand’s balance diplomacy, balance diplomacy, China-Thailand relations, US-Thailand relations
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