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Action Options And Resource Integration Of Social Organizations Intervening In Rural Governance

Posted on:2019-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330563985386Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,along with the process of reform and opening up,and urbanization,the living standards of farmers have increased to some extent.However,the unbalanced development of urban and rural economies,and the governance issues such as population hollowing,collective poverty,environmental deterioration,and lagging public services,have brought severe challenges to rural development.Therefore,breaking the backward situation in rural areas has become an urgent need for rural governance and sustainable rural development.As a social organization foundation,it has its natural advantages in the integration and control of social resources exchange and distribution.It participates in rural governance and will play a certain role and influence on the development of rural economy,environment and public services.Therefore,based on a rational perspective,the purpose of this study is to explore the path of resource integration for the promotion of rural development and the optimal allocation of resources,and provide case-by-case reference for various social organizations to carry out rural governance.In the process of research,this article first clarified the research background and purpose,research significance and methods,and summed up the research content and main innovation points.At the same time,based on the literature review,this paper puts forward the research hypothesis that L Foundation as a social organization rationally develops rural governance and constructs a corresponding research model.Secondly,this article uses the sample of the rural cooperatives plan of the L Foundation to carry out the rural governance action and explores carefully the social service route of the L Foundation's rational integration of resources.Thirdly,according to the core concept of rational choice theory,it tries to explore the rational details of the action choices andresource integration of the L Foundation's rural governance.Finally,the author summarizes the results of this study and proposes relevant action enlightenment and practical suggestions.This study finds that the L Foundation's resource integration is to build a service brand as the core of the action,that is to say,to promote the construction of rural governance from the micro,meso,and macro perspectives: From the micro-level interaction with the service partners,promote rural women's active participation in community public services,access to capacity development and growth resources.From the meso-level organization brand building to form an effective industry authority and social influence,promote project optimization and resource precipitation.From the macro level,the Foundation's cross-border resources linkage,reintegration of urban and rural resource allocation,the introduction of non-social service resources into the service field,to meet community development requirements,forms a breakthrough in the development of rural governance,and truly realizes the development of the L Foundation's rural women and children,making countryside a good choice for a better life.According to the above research results,and based on the rational choice theory,this article believes that social organizations can explore the effective path of rural governance resource integration from the following aspects.The first is to improve the top-level planning strategy;the second is to optimize the allocation of institutional resources;the third is to promote brand building;the fourth is to strengthen the construction of resource informatization;the fifth is to strengthen the awareness of cross-boundary cooperation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Organizations, Foundations, Rural Governance, Action Choice, Resource Integration
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