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Study On The Path Of Migrant Workers In The Process Of Legal Consciousness Cultivation

Posted on:2019-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G P DongFull Text:PDF
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At present,our country is in the“July 5th”period of popular law,and the general law plan emphasizes continuing to strengthen the peasant labor law and cultivate the legal awareness of migrant workers.However,the legal awareness of the current migrant workers group is still lacking,and this has caused certain social problems.This has become the origin of this study.In this paper,“Methods for cultivating rural migrant workers in the process of cultivating legal awareness ”,case studies,text analysis,experience summarization,and other research methods are used to put migrant workers in law into the field of rule of law and combine with Laswell's 5W spread.From the angles of disseminating content,disseminating channels,and disseminating subjects,the model explores the problems of migrant workers in law cultivation in the process of cultivating legal awareness,and analyzes the causes of the problems and the paths for improvement.The research question of this thesis is: The existing problem of the peasant worker's popular law and its improvement path.In addition,this paper discusses(1)the basic concepts such as the concepts,mutual relations,history,etc.of migrant workers in the cultivation of legal awareness;and(2)from the perspective of legal awareness cultivation,what problems exist in the peasant worker's law enforcement;(3)What causes the existence of these problems in the Franco-Prussian law;(4)How will the future "July 5th" popular education be improved?The study finds that: There are problems in the popularization of migrant workers,such as the singleness of the dissemination subject(the lack of market and social subject),the single dissemination channels,the lack of systematic content of the dissemination,the subjective awareness of the disseminated objects,and the lack of literacy.The reasons for these problems are mainly due to the imperfect peasant workers' legal system,the predicament of social organizations,the profitability of market players,and the limited education of the target audience.In order to better nurture the legal awareness of migrant workers,it is necessary to build a“three-in-one” migrant worker's popularization of law and law pattern in the government,market,and society,strengthen the construction of the spread mechanism of the peasant workers to promote law and law,and give play to the role of the main body of the market and the main body of social organizations;We should improve the dissemination content and channels of dissemination of peasant workers in law;and respect the subjective status of migrant workers(migrant workers)in the dissemination of migrant workers.
Keywords/Search Tags:migrant workers, legal awareness, rule of law
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