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From Other-Organization To Self-Organization:The Dilemma And Way Out In Rural Governance

Posted on:2020-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
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Since the eighties of the 20 th century,the responsibility of family contract has been fully implemented in rural areas,which has stimulated the rural production vitality and promoted the development of family-based agricultural production.However,in the 1990 s,the gap between urban and rural development further widened,the problem of agriculture,rural areas and farmers is becoming more and more prominent.On the practical level,grass-roots government and rural areas are exploring the way out of agricultural development and farmers' income increase.Through combing the literature,it is found that the current academic path to this problem is based on the concepts of village governance,village governance by people,rural society,etc.,and probes into the relevant problems and practical mechanism of rural governance.In this paper,the comprehensive use of theoretical research and empirical investigation methods to show the transformation of rural governance from elite organization,government-led other organizational governance,to market-led,self-organizing way of villagers' organization,through the double constraints of formal system and local social structure.Villagers can carry out self-management of public affairs within a certain range.Through the process of agricultural marketization,we can realize the transformation of organization mode under rural governance,and try to explore the new development trend and outlet of rural governance.Starting from the relationship between market and society,this paper,taking Shanglin Village as an example,makes a study on the main body and mode change of rural organization from the 1990 s to the present,and probes into the differences of the subjects who exert their organizational power in the different stages of rural governance.And to what extent has affected rural governance.In the early stage ofagricultural marketization,the rural elite is the leading power to govern the countryside.Its organization mainly depends on the traditional local social relations and its own authority.At this time,the public affairs in the countryside are mainly carried out by the rural elite and the grass-roots government.On the motivation and process of entering the market and establishing the market for agricultural products in rural areas.This paper analyzes and discusses the organization function and behavior logic of the rural elite in the process of villagers participating in the process of agricultural marketization.With the further improvement of the degree of agricultural marketization,the farmers' behavior logic also gradually tends to the market logic and pursues the maximization of interests.The rural elite is not only a member of the village,but also should follow the value norms of the local society.It is also the main initiator of rural governance,should assume the responsibility of governance,double-role conflict,governance will and governance ability is restricted.On the other hand,the specialization of agricultural production brought about by agricultural marketization and the large-scale demand for public service have led to the gradual weakening of village publicity and the authority of rural elites,resulting in a situation of weak autonomy.After the reform of taxes and fees,the authority of village cadres is the whole village society.The general trend of the state basic power gradually decline.For the villages and towns dominated by agriculture,the number of collective assets is small and the source is single,which limits the source of funds for village autonomy.In practice,the central government's policies and resources to go to the countryside have led to a new round of "incoiling" in rural governance,while the legitimacy of the central government has been strengthened and the legitimacy of the grass-roots government has been dispelled.The authority and power of local governments have been reduced to varying degrees.To realize the rural governance,the villagers' self-organization must be realized by the participation of the original value ethics and formal system.In the process of self-organization,by means of double constraints,we can reduce the number of people in the village-level governance of the organization.Hitchhiking.To shape rural publicity and organizational capacity,weshould not only play the role of rural elite in rural autonomy,but also make full use of the consensus of local value rules and ethical relations,and bring into play the self-organizing role of villagers in rural governance.Cultivate the organization and autonomy of local governance,and jointly safeguard the interests of villages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural governance, Self-organization, Organization, Organizational force, Market-oriented, Rural elite
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