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Research On Grass-roots Leaders To Improve The Ability Of Public Opinion Guidance In Emergencies

Posted on:2021-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330611950047Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The correct direction of public opinion can unite people's hearts,the wrong direction of public opinion can lose people's hearts.With the advent of the information age and the rapid spread of the Internet,it is more and more difficult to guide public opinion about unexpected events.Although there are m-any years of work experience,and has achieved results,but the grass-roots leaders work capacity of the government are still insufficient.the emergency eve-nts difficuilt point of handling is guiding public opinion.The practice shows that there are still some problems in the public opinio-n guidance work in emergencies among the leading cadres at the grass-roots l-evel,mainly the absence of information,the lack and the dislocation of guidance,this thesis analyzes responsibility consciousness and professional and techn-ical level of grass-roots leading cadres,and the construction of public opinion guiding system and mechanism,this paper holds that improving the ability of l-eading cadres at the grass-roots level to guide public opinion in emergencies s-hould focus on five aspects: Firstly,improving the accountability and incentive mechanism to enhance responsibility;secondly,making better the public opinion early warning and monitoring mechanism,timely obtain accurate public opini-on;thirdly,perfect the mechanism of public opinion emergency to lead the dir-ection of public opinion development;the fourth is making better the way of opinion communication to improve the effect of public opinion communication;the fifth,strengthening professional quality,control the situation of public opinion.the emergency events`difficuil point of handling is guiding public opinion.Only if the guiding work is done well can it unite the social forces and reach a consensus,we can control public opinion,dominate public opinion and havet he right to speak;only in this way can we improve the guidance,credibility a-nd influence of government departments;only in this way can we safeguard o-ur country's ideology and national political security.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grass-roots Leadership, Emergencies, Public Opinion Guidance, Capacity Improvement
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