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Implementation Of Peer Review In Junior Middle School Information Technology Curriculum Applied Research

Posted on:2019-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330548971784Subject:Modern educational technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of education,more and more emphasis is placed on the thematic status of the students.More and more teachers try to change the teaching mode of filling the ducks into a task-driven group collaborative learning.At the same time,the evaluation methods in teaching gradually show multiple The Peer evaluation first appeared in foreign countries,mainly for the effect of different subjects,peer appraisal effect of the peer review of student attitudes to study,and domestic peer evaluation research and more focused on peer appraisal in the classroom,the concrete implementation of the means of implementation aspect.Through a large number of literatures,most of the researches on peer assessment,whether in China or abroad,seldom for junior high school students,and the research fields are focused on language,medicine and education In science,there is seldom a discipline for information technology.The purpose of this paper is to study the validity of peer mutual evaluation in the information technology curriculum of the seventh grade of junior high school,which is called "Scratch Teaching".And whether the students’ participation in the classroom can be improved after the peer evaluation activities are added,whether the students can accept the peer evaluation activities,and how to find a solution to the problems encountered in the course of the research.In this paper,literature research method,empirical research method,questionnaire method and classroom observation method,the data analysis mainly used SPSS 2.0.The experiment is carried out for the seventh grade of junior high school.The teaching content is mainly based on the curriculum of<Scratch>,and the peer mutual assessment activities applied in the information technology classroom are designed.Before the experiment,the learners will be trained in the use of the Peer Mutual Assessment scale.Peer evaluation activities are mainly conducted in groups,mutual evaluation through the online evaluation of the questionnaire star,students completed the evaluation activities teachers can get feedback in the background,and then each group selected different performance to display.Teachers use the same scale to score in peer mutual assessment,and then analyze the correlation between teacher and student evaluation,so as to determine the effectiveness of student evaluation.Before and after peer evaluation,we should conduct pre-and-post tests and classroom observations on the participation of students in classroom activities.The results show that:first,the results of peer evaluation and teacher evaluation are correlated;second,by adding peer evaluation,students’classroom participation has been improved;third,Students have a positive attitude towards peer evaluation.The results show that:first,there is a correlation between the teacher evaluation of the result of mutual peer evaluation of students;secondly,the participation of students in the classroom is improved by joining peer evaluation;thirdly,The way was positive.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peer review, Information technology, Scratch, Participation
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