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China's Trade Openness,Foreign Investment And Gender Wage Gap

Posted on:2020-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330572975816Subject:International business
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of global economic integration and the deepening of China's opening-up,China's trade openness and foreign investment have achieved considerable development.According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS),China's total import and export of goods in 2000 was 3927.325 billion yuan,and the actual amount of foreign investment was 59.356 billion dollars.By 2017,the total import and export of goods was 27810.10 billion yuan,and the actual amount of foreign investment was 131.035 billion dollars.In the 17 years,China's total import and export of goods increased by 6.08 times,the actual amount of foreign investment increased by 1.21 times.Trade openness and foreign investment have not only promoted the rapid development of national economy and the upgrading of industrial structure,but also profoundly affected the domestic labor market,changed the income distribution pattern between different social groups,and especially had a significant impact on the gender wage gap.Although the influence of trade openness and foreign investment on gender wage gap has attracted the attention of academic circles,the existing research studies the impact of trade openness or foreign investment on gender wage gap separately,and almost no studies have been conducted on both of them at the same time,in addition,scholars have not reached consistent conclusions.In order to further explore the impact of trade openness and foreign investment on the gender wage gap,this paper establishes an individual wage measurement model based on the data sets of China's household income survey 2013(CHIP2013),China urban statistical yearbook 2013 and China county(city)social and economic statistical yearbook 2013.After considering the possible endogeneity of explanatory variables,the gender wage gap was analyzed based on the whole sample,and the regression analysis of the sub-samples of different skill levels and the sub-samples of male and female are done respectively.The results show that under the full sample model,trade openness reduces gender wage gap and foreign investment enlarges gender wage gap.After dividing the observed objects into low-skilled labor and high-skilled labor according to education level,the results show that trade openness reduces low-skilled labor's gender wage gap,and foreign investment expands low-skilled labor's gender wage gap.The influence of trade openness and foreign investment on the wage level of high-skilled labor force is not significant.The regression results of gender sub-samples show that trade openness significantly improves wage level of male and female,foreign investment has no obvious impact on the wage level of female,but it significantly reduces male's wage level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trade Openness, Foreign Investment, Gender Wage Gap
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