In recent years,as a big trading country,China has performed well in international trade.With the development of trade and the improvement of system,cultural trade has been paid more and more attention by one country.As an important part of cultural trade,China's game industry has also developed rapidly in recent years.Under the background of the continuous development of network information technology,China's game industry has also obtained unprecedented development opportunities.According to the data of "China Game Industry Report 2018",the sales of Chinese game market reached 214.44 billion yuan in the whole year of 2018.Among them,the actual sales of online games developed independently in China reached 9.59 billion US dollars in overseas markets,which became another large-scale output industry with sales of 100 billion and consumption of hundreds of millions under the development of the Internet.However,the overseas export of China's game industry is still a narrow path,and there are still some problems in the process of building a prosperous road,such as the change for game products,the lack of independent R&D and innovation ability of game enterprises,the lack of talents of game practitioners and the lack of recognition of local culture by game research and development enterprises,and the operation in overseas markets.Starting from the current situation of China's game industry development,this paper analyses the overall trade situation and export trade situation and problems of China's game industry,finds out the factors affecting the export of China's game industry under the existing circumstances,and conducts empirical analysis from qualitative and quantitative perspectives.Finally,on the basis of the research,it provides some policy recommendations for China's game industry export. |