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Experimental Research On The Influence Of Unsteady Resistance Training On T/F35-38 Discus Athletes' Special Ability

Posted on:2019-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2437330542995891Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,China’s disabled competitive sports have been developing vigorously,and the elite athletes with disabilities are emerging one after another.The sports for the disabled have also received more and more attention from all walks of life.But for now,there are relatively few studies on track and field training for the disabled.The purpose of this paper is to make an in-depth study of the physiological characteristics,resistance training characteristics,special technical characteristics and rules of disabled discus athletes.Combined with the characteristics and elements of the non stability resistance training,a set of non stability resistance resistance training program suitable for T/F35-38 disabled discus athletes was formulated to improve the special ability of these special athletes.In order to improve the training level of the disabled athletes and provide some theoretical references for the development of the track and field sports for the disabled in China.In this paper,there are 6 excellent disabled discus athletes in China are considered as the subject of research.The research methods used in this paper are literature,interview,experiment,test and so on.These athletes were trained for 11 weeks of non stability resistance training.A comparative analysis was made on the specific indicators before and after training,as well as the light discus and heavy discus scores.In the special ability test after the experiment,the athletes’ special ability indexes have different degrees of growth,and the discus results before and after the experiment show significant difference in the group.It is proved that the non stability resistance training is mainly to make up for the shortcomings and defects of the traditional strength training.To make the advantage of the project become stronger,the short board to get the effect of complemented.It plays an important role in the development of the speed,stability,balance,coordination and the link between technology of the disabled athletes.It is suggested that training be carried out on the premise of ensuring safety.According to the physical and psychological characteristics of the disabled athletes,the reasonable design training methods and means can vary from person to person.
Keywords/Search Tags:disabled athletes, non stability resistance training, core power, discus throw
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