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Study On Chinese Language Reading In Secondary Vocational Schools

Posted on:2019-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Each generation has its own spirit and values.In modern times,people advocate pragmatism,seeking quick success and instant benefits,which affects our traditional Chinese culture.Besides,global economy creates a multicultural world,which impacts the leading role of our traditional Chinese culture.Therefore,emphasis must be laid on revitalizing it.Vocational school students are those who urgently need to be taught our traditional Chinese culture.I have worked in a vocational school as a national culture reading-aloud teacher,thus experiencing the present situation of national culture learning in vocational schools.For one thing,the learning of national culture reading-aloud is prospering;For another,there are many aspects restricting its development.Now I'd like very much to share my teaching experience,only hoping to make some contributions to the teaching of Chinese national culture.My research is done on the students of Dalian Economics and Trade School with the methods of practice and survey.My paper is divided into four parts.Part One is to discuss the background and present condition of the teaching of national culture reading-aloud in vocational schools.focusing mainly on the contents and forms of the national culture reading-aloud and its effects on the future development of vocational school students.And it also presents the policy evidence and the actual meanings.Part 2 is to discuss the issues that exist in the learning of national culture reading aloud in vocational schools,where forms are more important than contents,;teaching materials are paid more attention to than their value;teachers are in great need;teachers themselves are not capable;reading aloud is just to follow the trend;the time for reading-aloud can't be regulated;and even there is no scientific evaluation for it,which eventually weakens its educational function.Part Three is to be my focus,in which I have done a lot of surveys to analyze the practice and improvement of national culture reading-aloud in our school and try to give reasons for the selecting of forms of reading aloud.Students are different individuals so they should be treated differently in the teaching contents and forms of the national culture reading-aloud.As a consequence,I offer my suggestions on the improvement.Part Four is to analyze the effects that national culture reading-aloud has on the students.With the method of comparison,I mainly analyze the effects on the vocational school students' family life,school life and their working career.Thus,I get the conclusion that it is the fittest that can benefit the students,and vice versa.
Keywords/Search Tags:national culture reading-aloud, reading-aloud contents, reading-aloud forms, reading-aloud effects
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