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Deepen The Historical Interpretation In "God Into History"

Posted on:2020-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T LiangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of the new curriculum reform,the Ministry of Education has put forward five "key competencies" as the goal of students' ability development."historical explanation" is one of the five key competencies.In the face of the problem of how to cultivate the ability of historical explanation,this paper introduces the teaching method of "Historical Empathy".The theory of "Historical Empathy" originated in Britain during 1960s and 1970s,and is one of the most concerned history teaching theories in Europe and the United States at present.After it was introduced into China in the 1990s,it was applied to history teaching,which means we create a historical situation,taking the students to feel the historical background,thinking from the perspective of the historical figures,so as to grasp the emotion and motivation of the characters,and thus make an objective judgment on the historical figures and events.This vivid and op>en history teaching method can stimulate students' interest in history learning,cultivate students' historical thinking ability,stimulate students' subjective initiative,and develop the ability of active inquiry and independent thinking.Because of the short time introduction into our country,the theoretical research system is not perfect yet,it needs more in practice,and which has a very broad research space.How to cultivate the ability of "historical explanation" is an urgent problem for front-line teachers at present.How to apply "Historical Empathy" to teaching and how to combine the theory of "God into History" with"Historical explanation" is the research goal of this paper.On the basis of the analysis of zhejiang xinchang middle school where the author teach in,I tries to provide teachers with some methods to deepen the historical explanation in "Historical Empathy"This paper is divided into five parts,The introduction is mainly about the origin and significance of the subject of "Historical Empathy",as well as the research status of "Historical Empathy" at home and abroad.The first chapter focuses on the analysis of the concepts and development of "Historical Empathy" and "historical explanation",and deepens the innovation of historical explanation in "Historical Empathy".The second chapter analyzes the concrete operation of "Historical Empathy" to deepen the historical explanation and the problems that should be paid attention to.The third chapter is about the deepening of history interpretation in senior high school history teaching a specific teaching case.The fourth chapter focuses on the combination of questionnaire survey,and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of deepening the teaching of historical explanation in "Historical Empathy",which can provide analysis and reflection on teaching methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical Empathy, Historical Explanation, History Teaching in High School
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