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Research On Anti-commons Tragedy And Governance Mechanism In Rural Tourism Development

Posted on:2021-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330605475432Subject:Business Administration
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Rural tourism development is conducive to the innovation of new industrial forms,the standardization of rural facilities and other governance,the improvement of employment rate,the promotion of rural poverty alleviation and prosperity,and the revitalization of rural areas;however,there are often tragedies of anti commons in rural tourism development,and the land transfer and compensation issues are deadlocked in Mingcun village,Suiyang,Guizhou Province;the farmers in xingrentang village bid up the price of land transfer,leading to the withdrawal of developers' investment;Gaogao,Pingjiang County,Hunan Province Due to the scattered land ownership,complex investment process and high development time cost,the development of pingcun is stagnant.These tragedies of anti commons in development hinder the development of rural tourism.According to the relevant research and the actual development situation at home and abroad,the tragedy of anti commons often occurs in the development of rural tourism due to various reasons.In order to promote the smooth development of rural tourism,this paper studies the occurrence and governance mechanism of the tragedy of anti commons in the development of rural tourism,and provides suggestions for the development of rural tourism.The research content of this paper is mainly divided into four frameworks: first,the theoretical mechanism of anti commons tragedy in rural tourism development,clear the general direction of previous research,and then add and supplement other research thinking;second,the evolutionary game and Simulation of anti commons tragedy in rural tourism development,explore the anti Commons tragedy occurrence and governance mechanism from the perspective of evolutionary game theory;third,rural The case study of anti commons tragedy in tourism development,based on grounded theory and practical cases,verifies and complements the theoretical study of the occurrence and governance mechanism of anti commons tragedy;fourthly,innovate the governance mechanism of anti commons tragedy in rural tourism development,and put forward valuable governance countermeasures.The specific research contents of each part are as follows:Theoretical mechanism part,based on the theoretical mechanism of the tragedy of anti commons in rural tourism development,it is found that the tragedy of anti commons often occurs with the characteristics of rural tourism development,such as resource dispersion,property right fragment,interest conflict,institutional loophole and so on.The research mainly deals with the tragedy of anti commons from the aspects of integration,regulation and improvement of system.However,the influencing factors of the tragedy of anti commons in development are diverse and complex.Evolutionary game and simulation,this paper takes the tragedy of anti commons in the game results of enterprises and farmers in rural tourism development as the research entry point,takes the cooperative relationship between the two sides as the research object,establishes the game evolution model of enterprises and farmers in rural tourism development and conducts simulation analysis,introduces 27 parameter hypotheses,from the game between enterprises and farmers to the game evolution after the introduction of the third party influence,the game evolution results of both sides occur Change.It is found that:(1)the tragedy of anti Commons is the result of the game evolution of enterprises and farmers in the development process,and the influence of different factors will change the trend of the tragedy of anti Commons.(2)the probability of farmers' willingness to choose before the establishment of cooperation has a decisive influence on the establishment of stable cooperative relationship between the two sides in the future.When the probability of willingness choice is higher than the equilibrium value,the future relationship between the two sides tends to be stable.(3)in cooperation,the probability of default risk between enterprise and farmer will affect the evolutionary result of game.The high cost of one party's breach of contract or the transaction risk will hinder both parties to establish the development cooperation relationship,leading to the tragedy of anti Commons.(4)the degree and way of the third party's involvement influence the evolution trend of the game.Government intervention(compulsive punishment,preferential subsidy)and cooperative coordination(balance relationship,encourage income)will affect the development trend of game relationship and help to avoid the tragedy of anti Commons.Case study part,in order to further verify and supplement the research on the occurrence and governance mechanism of anti commons tragedy in rural tourism development,this paper conducts a case study on four rural tourism development villages,and constructs five dimensional prime model based on 839 reference points through three-level coding,including participants,resource input,interest allocation and operation management,development environment,which influence and interact with each other,verify and enrich the research of game theory.The results show that:(1)the development environment is the premise to promote the smooth development of rural tourism,and the local conditions,market,culture and system are the premise to attract investment.The risk cost in the game research stage belongs to the consideration of environmental factors of enterprise investment.(2)the participation of the main body and the negotiation between the two parties(including resource input,development and operation management,and rights and interests allocation during development)will affect the results of rural tourism development,interest demands,rights and interests distribution,operating income and other factors that affect the degree of participation of the main body,and the probability of selecting the strategy of enterprise agriculture cooperation.(3)the behavior of the third-party subject affects the negotiation process ofbusiness and agriculture,which is conducive to restricting the cooperation between enterprises and agriculture and promoting the smooth development of rural tourism.Governance Path Exploration part,in order to improve the efficiency of rural tourism development,ensure the smooth development of rural tourism,and promote the development of rural economy,this paper proposes the following strategies:(1)tap the potential of rural tourism development,highlight rural characteristics,and create a good development environment.(2)encourage the main body to participate in rural tourism development cooperation,handle the cooperation relationship between the two sides,and establish a stable benefit distribution mechanism.(3)the enterprise improves the comprehensive development ability and ensures the development benefit management.(4)give full play to the role of government and cooperatives in intervention and coordination,and enhance their respective control,influence and coordination.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural tourism development, anti commons tragedy, evolutionary game, simulation, grounded theory
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