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All Events Profitable, All Men Divine: The Influence of Transcendentalism in the Civil Wa

Posted on:2019-02-07Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nebraska at KearneyCandidate:Lerner, ArenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2476390017487584Subject:American literature
The American Civil War stands apart culturally from other US conflicts in the level of participation and dedication to the cause among citizens and soldiers alike and a distinct approach to themes of religion, Nature, symbolism, the individual, divinity, and immortality. While other historians have researched various aspects of Civil War culture, few have yet addressed with comparative research the distinct sources of these influences. One particular philosophical component researched here that was not present at other times in American history is that of Transcendentalism, which developed in the Northern states prior to and during the Civil War. Other historians have not yet given Transcendentalism's influence on the war's culture serious consideration.;This research examines Transcendentalist principles in Civil War-era primary source literature and compares it to primary sources from other American wars. An apparent difference in these documents is a common reflection of the Transcendentalists' belief in the divine equality, immortality, and unity of all people and the individual's ability to influence the world. Transcendental philosophy emphasized intuition, character, and the metaphysical as the basis of reality and experience. Thus the Transcendentalist influence led the culture to place the criteria of individual value, accomplishment, and even victory, outside the experience of physical sense or situation, helping the population to cope with wartime trauma and lending spiritual breadth to the cause. As a result, there grew a wartime culture of individual devotion, respect, and a distinct metaphysical spirituality that sharply contrasts with that of other American wars where these aspects were often completely absent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil, American, Influence
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