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A Study Of The Essence Of Man In Marx's Early Writings

Posted on:2022-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306527467414Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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The thinking of human nature constitutes an important part of Marx's early works.Marx's thought of human nature did not exist at the beginning,but gradually established through social practice,criticism and inheritance of previous thoughts.Marx paid close attention to the living conditions of human beings,and set up a lofty aspiration to seek human welfare in his youth.The formation process of Marx's thought of human nature is also the process of his world outlook construction.By studying Marx's early thought of human nature,focusing time on the early stage and combing the changing process of Marx's understanding of this thought,we can deepen our understanding of Marxist theory.The main contents are as follows:The first chapter combs and summarizes the evolution process of Early Marx's human nature thought.Marx studied this thought mainly from his Doctoral Dissertation to German Ideology,and his understanding of this thought has experienced a long process.In the period of Doctoral Dissertation and Rhine,influenced by Hegel's idealistic philosophy,Marx put forward that the essence of man is self-consciousness and ideal freedom from the perspective of abstract man;In the Introduction to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law and the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844,Marx not only saw the defects of Hegel's philosophy,but also saw the one sidedness of Feuerbach's "perceptual man",and proposed that "man is the highest essence of man",and that man's essence is free and conscious labor.In the Holy Family and German Ideology,Marx put people in social practice and social relations from the realistic society,thought that people were in the society and connected with society,and put forward that people's needs were the essence of people.Marx's thought of human nature is not unchangeable,but constantly changing and developing.Through constant practice and in-depth thinking,Marx's understanding of human is concrete and systematic.The second chapter is that the formation of human essential thinking is consistent with the construction of historical materialism.The transformation process of Marx's understanding of people is also the process of transformation from idealism to materialism.When he was in college,Marx began to study Hegelian philosophy and was influenced by it.Hegel's study of man is an objective spirit that puts the essence of man outside of man.He believed that the combination of rational freedom and absolute spirit is the essence of man,and the consciousness of man is suppressed.With the split of Hegel's philosophy,young Hegelians believed that human self-consciousness should be in the dominant position,which attracted the attention of Marx.Although Marx followed Hegel's rational view and thought that self-consciousness was the essence of human beings,he overcame the limitations of Hegel and Young Hegelians,connected human self-consciousness with reality,and put forward that human self-consciousness had subjectivity.In this period,Marx's understanding of human nature was based on human self-consciousness,so it was idealistic.Later,Marx noticed that Feuerbach published a series of works with materialism.Feuerbach's philosophy had an important impact on Marx.He affirmed the existence of perceptual people in Feuerbach,but also pointed out its defects.Feuerbach did not see the practicality and sociality of people,so he was intuitive materialism.Marx combined Hegel's idealistic speculative philosophy with Feuerbach's humanistic materialism.Starting from the reality of human,he thought that human has practicality and social historicity.The realistic man is the logical starting point of historical materialism.Therefore,the formation process of human essence is also the formation process of historical materialism.The third chapter,the return of human nature in the Communist society.In the Rhine period,Marx criticized and opposed the feudal autocratic system,consciously paid attention to the living conditions of the poor working people,and fought for the interests of the people,which reflected that Marx had the tendency of communism,but he did not conduct in-depth research on communism;In the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844,Marx found that under the capitalist private ownership,the laborer was bound in the employment relationship and became completely not free,which deviated from the essence of labor.The reason was private property.Therefore,Marx thought that we should eliminate private property to realize the return of human nature.Private property and Communist society are opposite,so Marx thinks that Communist society can realize the real nature of human beings,and at the same time,it also depends on the great power of the proletariat to realize the liberation of human beings.In Communist society,the return of human nature can reach the state of self-consciousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Human nature, Historical materialism, Communism
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