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A Study On The Influencing Factors Of Villagers' Participation In Villager Self-governance

Posted on:2021-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306737967279Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The field of “agriculture,rural areas and farmers”has always been the focus of the work of the Party and the state,and it is also the key issue that profoundly affects the sustainable and healthy development of China's politics and economy.According to the19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,we are supposed to realize the prosperity of the village industry,namely,an ecological livability,a civilization village style,the effective governance and the prosperity of life is a require,so as to implement the strategy of rural revitalization.This strategy aims to strengthen and promote the basic work at the grass-roots level in rural areas,and improve the rural governance system that combines autonomy,rule by law and rule by virtue.These requirements have become an critical guide for the construction of a new socialist countryside.At the same time,this has also made a clear the development direction of rural governance and opened up a new condition and new trend of villagers' autonomy in China.Villager' autonomy is the foundation of autonomy and a key link of consolidating rural goverance work.On the one hand,it requires all villagers to manage,educate and serve themselves.On the other hand,it requires villagers to participate actively as the main body.Therefore,the study on villagers' participation in the villagers' autonomy is conducive to further improve the rural governance system,and it is significant to realize the strategy of Rural Revitalization,to promote the national governance system and to strengthen governance capacity as well.Based on the theory of Polycentric Governance Theory and Social Identity Theory,this paper takes 2 counties and 3 districts of Luzhou City in Sichuan Province as the sample,so as to analyze the current situation of villagers' autonomy in 10 towns,such as Jiangyang and Gulin.By investigating the actual situation of villagers' participation in the sample villages,and starting with the main influencing factors of villagers' participation,this paper makes a detailed analysis of villagers' participation in China to find out the mian problems,and explore its improvement strategies,in order to promote the continuous improvement of villagers' participation in the area of autonomy to provide countermeasures and suggestions.The founding is as follows.The fouding of villagers' participation:(1)The degree of villagers' participation in the democratic election is not enough;(2)Villagers are not enough to participate in democratic decision-making;(3)Villagers' participation in democratic management is limited;(4)The participation of villagers in democratic supervision is very low.The factors that influence villagers' participation including:(1)Individual characteristics: Income level has a significant positive impact on Villagers' participation,while education level has a negative impact;(2)Interest correlation:individual interest and social mobilization have a significant positive impact on villagers' participation;(3)Community identity: community belonging has a significant positive impact on villagers' participation.(4)Laws and regulations: laws and regulations,village rules and regulations have a significant positive impact on Villagers' participation.Based on the conclusions above,this paper is trying to put forward:(1)Developing rural economy and consolidating material foundation;(2)Enriching rural activities and enhancing villagers' sense of belonging;(3)Standardizing laws and regulations and improving village rules and regulations;(4)Strengthening publicity and mobilization and providing organizational support;(5)Clarifying the relationship between rights and responsibilities and highlighting the essence of autonomy;(6)Taking more focusing on population differences and improving villagers' quality as well.This paper includes the following five parts:The first part is the introduction,mainly including the background and significance of the topic,research ideas and methods,research deficiencies and prospects.At the same time,this paper is trying to show up the domestic and foreign research status and to make a short review as well as make a classification focusing on the central concepts and research topic;The second part is a guiding,this part aims to introduce the central concept that shows up in this paper,including the concepts of villagers' autonomy,villagers' participation and the level of villagers' participation,then make conpared with other closing concepts;The third part is the Theoretical Hypothesis and Research Design.Aiming at the problems studied in this paper,this paper put forward the research hypothesis which is consistent with the research based on the existing knowledge and experience,and then lay the foundation for the following model test through the model design;In the fourth part,this paper combined with the descriptive statistical analysis of the degree of villagers' participation in the survey,including Correlation analysis and Regression analysis,so as to find some possible problems of villagers' participation.The fifth part includes the research conclusion,countermeasures and suggestions,research summary and outlook.Mainly for the problems presented in the fourth part,around the main influencing factors of villagers' participation degree,relevant research conclusions are formed,combined with research conclusions and problem induction,corresponding solutions are put forward,and this paper is summarized and prospected,in order to improve villagers' participation ability and consolidate the institutional effect of villagers' autonomy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Villagers' autonomy, villagers' participation, rural governance, influence factors
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