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Research On The Construction Of Cadre Team In Western Villages Under The Background Of Rural Talent Revitalization

Posted on:2022-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306764450064Subject:Agriculture Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),the rural revitalization Strategy was put forward,and solving problems related to agriculture,rural areas and farmers should be the top priority of the Party's work.This has ushered in new opportunities for rural development.In February 2021,the CPC Central Committee issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Revitalization of Rural Talents,requiring the development of rural human resources to be given priority and the scale of rural talents to be constantly expanded.People are the key to rural revitalization.Village cadres are the most direct participants and promoters of rural revitalization,and their ability and quality directly affect the implementation effect of rural revitalization strategy.China will pay more attention to the development of western rural areas,narrow the gap between urban and rural areas,narrow the gap between the east and the west,and promote the balanced development of the country.Therefore,strengthening the construction of village cadres in western China is conducive to better completing the rural revitalization strategy and speeding up the process of socialist rural modernization.In this paper,using the methods of literature research,comprehensive induction,the study of the west village cadres team construction,the strategy of rejuvenating combed the western regions,rural,rural talent revitalizing,village cadres,village cadres team construction concept,combined with the rural governance theory,human capital theory and maslow's hierarchy of needs,summarizes the achievements of the west village cadres team construction,The training mechanism for village officials has been gradually improved.In the process of targeted poverty alleviation,a number of village officials have been cultivated with strong positions,responsibilities and responsibilities.Work style construction has been strengthened,and has been recognized and praised by the people.Constantly improve the construction mechanism of the village cadre team,the vitality of the village cadre team is constantly stimulated.Although great achievements have been made in the construction of village cadres in western China,there are still some outstanding problems,such as the structural imbalance of village cadres,low ability and quality,imperfect management mechanism,imperfect supervision and imperfect incentive guarantee system.The reasons for these problems mainly include: backward social and economic development,loss of rural population,poor education and training effects,imperfect supervision mechanism and so on.Combining the new age of village cadres,this paper puts forward the west village cadres team construction to adhere to the principle of party supervision over personnel,broaden channels of choose and employ persons,strengthening the education training,improve the system of management system,strengthen supervision and improve the incentive system,etc.,so as to achieve the purpose of the revitalization of the rural village cadres team,provide talent guarantee for rural revitalization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural talent revitalization, Construction of village cadres, In the western regio
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