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Research On Standards For History Curriculum Standards In Senior High Schools(1929-1949)

Posted on:2020-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517305774995179Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research object of this paper is History curriculum standards in Senior High Schools(1929—1949)of Nanking National Government.The purpose of this paper is to study the changes of the standards,and to present its multidimensional aspects from the perspective of diachrony.In addition to the educational ideological trend and text analysis,the author tries to interpret the standards’ text,to check the overlooked historical trends and cultural thoughts,to discuss the two different tendencies between nationalization and globalization,and to pay attentions to the compilation and revision of standards,while to focuse on the differences in standards,so as to show the heterogeneity of its ideas.This paper explores the characteristics of standards’ text from academic vs political,national vs world perspectives.And using the theory of social anomie to study the norm and anomie in implementation.It should be admitted that Nanking National Government was serious in attitude,standardized in procedure and practical in concept in twenty years.However,easier said than done,norms in theory with anomie in practice,make the standards into volume of the dilemma.This is due not only to the lack of operability,but also to constant wars,shortage of materia,insufficient curriculum resources,and other objective factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:History curriculum standards, History education, History teaching in middle school, History textbook
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