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Reseach On The Current Situation And Development Of TPACK Level Of Mathematics Normal Students

Posted on:2021-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306017952049Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Applying information technology to education is an old and popular topic.The era of big data has come.The application of information technology in all walks of life should also become an important part of teachers’ professional knowledge.How to skillfully and creatively apply information technology to teaching is the hottest topic at present.The subject teaching method knowledge(TPACK)integrating technology is a necessary knowledge theory that teachers integrate technology,subject knowledge and teaching method.Since the theory came out,the measurement of TPACK level and the combination of TPACK theory and specific subjects have been the research direction of domestic and foreign scholars.As a pre service teacher,mathematics normal students need to integrate information technology into their own professional skills,develop TPACK level,and become a strong reserve force for teachers.This paper will take the form of questionnaire survey,measure and analyze the current situation of mathematics normal students’ TPACK level,and then use the method of in-depth interview to explore the reasons for the development of mathematics normal students’ TPACK level,so as to put forward suggestions for the training program of mathematics normal students and promote the development of mathematics normal education.This paper will take the senior mathematics normal students of Y University as the research object,draw lessons from the foreign existing and more authoritative questionnaires,and according to the TPACK theory,formulate the questionnaire about measuring the level of pre service mathematics teachers’ TPACK,and analyze the reliability and validity of the questionnaire.Then,six students were randomly selected from the groups with different development levels of TPACK to conduct in-depth interviews.Through the research,it is found that the designed questionnaire has good reliability and validity,the development level of TPACK of mathematics normal students is good,and there are five factors affecting the development level of TPACK of mathematics normal students:1.The curriculum is not reasonable;2.The practice effect is very little;3.The role of teachers’ demonstration needs to be strengthened;4.The professional emotion needs to be improved;5.The transformation level of TPACK is affected by various componentsBased on the research results,this paper puts forward the following suggestions for the training program of mathematics normal students:1.The curriculum of mathematics normal students needs to be reformed;2.The practice mode of mathematics normal students needs to be optimized;3.The professional identity of mathematics normal students needs to be improved;4.The TPACK level of teachers should be improved;5.The educational practice of mathematics normal students needs to be enhanced.
Keywords/Search Tags:TPACK, Mathematics normal students, Pre service teachers, Information technology, Mathematics Teaching
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