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A Research On The Social Work Intervention Of Cultural Services In The Relocation Of Poverty Alleviation Communities In Ethnic Areas

Posted on:2021-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306230995679Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main body of the relocated farmers will not adapt to cultural life,due to the changes in lifestyle,living environment,labor mode and so on.The major factor of successful acculturation is affecting the construction of relocated communities.Cultural conflicts and cultural losses will inevitably affect achieving the goal of "staying".Based on this,this study takes all the farmers in Community C as the research object,through researching the current situation of cultural adaptation of the farmers in Community C,and combining with the relevant theories,it analyzes the problems existing in the cultural adaptation of the relocated farmers in the community and makes some suggestions in the process: first,inadequate cultural moving out causes the cultural fracture of the relocated farmers;second,the located famers that lack the cultural consciousness is difficult in integrating into the urban culture;third,the cultural participants in the relocation sites are not aware of their own;fourth,the economic and cultural development of the relocation sites is inconsistent.From a professional perspectiva,as a social worker participating in poverty alleviation,uses the working methods of groups and communities to further understand the cultural resources and cultural needs of relocated farmers,and provides community cultural services to respond to the above problems.Carry out the folk song group and handicraft employment training that are conducive to the continuation and development of national characteristics and culture,the square dance group and community large-scale cultural activities that are conducive to the integration and adaptation of urban culture,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of relocated people in cultural practice,tap their own cultural potency,promote the internal development of culture,improve the cultural confidence and culture consciousness to realize the goal of "culture moving out" and cultural development.Finally,it can meet the needs ofcultural creation,cultural enjoyment.At the same time,it can also meet the need to retain nostalgia of the relocated people and promote the innovation and inheritance of culture.Provide social workers’ service paths adapted to the relocated farmers’ culture,and expand social work to participate in poverty alleviation by summarizing and analyzing typical working modes and methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:National Culture, Poverty Alleviation, Social Work, Cultural Adaptation
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