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Comparison And Revelation Of Contextualized Text Question Of College Entrance Examination Physics ? Taking National Volume ? And Tianjin Volume Of College Entrance Examination Physics From 2016 To 2020 As Example

Posted on:2022-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306338980039Subject:Subject teaching
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The creation of test situation is helpful to test students' core literacy.In the environment of pen and paper test,the examination of subject knowledge and the number of scores have undoubtedly become the focus of social attention,while no one cares whether students can solve practical problems in life without pen and paper test.The new curriculum standard emphasizes that the examination of core literacy is inseparable from specific situations and activities,and the test situation provides an important carrier for the examination of core literacy.Therefore,the creation of physics test situation under the contemporary college entrance examination should pay attention to the ability of students to use physics knowledge to solve practical problems.As an important test carrier of core literacy,the creation of test situation should focus on the authenticity,openness,innovation,application and comprehensiveness of the questions.Only in this way can we give play to the educational function of the baton of college entrance examination and truly test the core literacy of students.Based on constructivism,Neo constructivism and integration theory,this research focuses on physics,takes Luo riye's main framework of situational typology as the research model,and uses literature review,expert consultation,questionnaire survey and interview to reconstruct the theme framework,mainly from the specific two dimensions of identification parameters,content parameters and dress parameters In order to get a workable research model of physical Situational Questions in line with the physics discipline and enrich the research theory of Situational Questions,we should modify the two-level dimension and delete or split part of the two-level dimension which is not in line with the research content of college entrance examination physics questions.Based on Luo riye's research framework of situation typology,this paper analyzes the situation characteristics,situation types and presentation methods of college entrance examination questions from the perspective of identification parameters,content parameters and dressing parameters The development trend of situational test paper,and the similarities and differences between the two college entrance examination sample papers,provide reference for other disciplines on the research of situational test paper,and put forward suggestions for the creation of college entrance examination physics test paper in China.The conclusions of this study are as follows.In terms of distinguishing parameters,Tianjin paper's real situation test is higher than that of national ? paper;Tianjin paper's known conditions are various,and national ? paper is mostly in the form of pure text;Tianjin paper pays more attention to cultural infiltration,such as the words of Ming Dynasty Xie Zhaofan's five miscellaneous groups are quoted as the test situation in question 7 of 2018 Tianjin paper's multiple choice test,which increases the literariness of the test paper and highlights the characteristics of Chinese college entrance examination.In terms of content parameters,the number of knowledge modules examined in national Volume ? is higher than that in Tianjin,and national Volume ? is more comprehensive;national Volume ? attaches importance to the ability of model construction,that is,abstracting practical problems into physical models,examining students' abstract thinking ability,while Tianjin focuses on the ability of solving practical problems,providing real situations,bringing candidates into situations,and effectively implementing students' core literacy The results show that the correlation between situation and questions in national Volume ? is higher than that in Tianjin volume,and most of national Volume ? are situation combination type and situation embedding type,with less situation separation type.There are more situation separation type in multiple-choice questions in Tianjin volume,with weak correlation between situation and questions.In terms of dressing parameters,the diversity of test questions presented in Tianjin is higher than that in national Volume ?.Tianjin is mainly composed of words,words + real pictures,while national Volume ? is mainly composed of words,words and diagrams,which is abstract.Tianjin has more non choice questions than national Volume ?,and Tianjin has three big questions,which is progressive in difficulty level by level.National Volume ? has two big questions,and the difficulty varies according to the degree of difficulty It has been improved twice.Based on the research,this paper puts forward the following suggestions for the creation of physical Situational Questions:(1)real situational questions should be added to the physical examination papers;(2)more open questions should be added from "providing explanation","inductive description" and other types of questions;(3)the correlation between situations and questions should be improved to improve the quality of question creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:physics test, test situation, college entrance examination
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