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A Study On The Status Quo Of Prosocial Behavior Of Rural Left-behind Children In Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

Posted on:2022-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C HuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306479499894Subject:Pre-school education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Prosocial behavior is that people's behavior in life practice conforms to social expectations,usually shows a positive,harmonious and friendly phenomenon to others and social altruistic behavior,so that others and even the whole group benefit.It mainly includes cooperative behavior,sharing behavior,comforting behavior and helping behavior.Left behind children in rural areas are the most vulnerable group of children.They live in the most backward rural areas,lack of material resources,coupled with long-term separation from their parents,lack of emotional care,so there are great problems.Focusing on the theme of rural left behind children,this study investigates the current situation of five rural kindergartens in Guyuan City,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.Based on the research data of the left behind children,kindergarten teachers,parents and head of the kindergarten,using the methods of questionnaire survey and interview,this study explores the overall situation of rural left behind children's prosocial behaviorThe development level of rural left behind children's prosocial behavior is low as a whole:there are significant differences between left behind children and non left behind children in helping,cooperation,sharing and comfort;left behind children in different latitudes have the best prosocial behavior development cooperation behavior,followed by helping behavior,then sharing behavior,and comfort behavior is the lowest;the comparison of left behind children in different classes shows that large class children have the best prosocial behavior development cooperation behavior The second is the middle class.Finally,small class;from the gender perspective,the comparison of left behind children's prosocial behavior shows that girls' level of comfort,sharing and helping others is higher than that of boys,and boys' level of cooperation is higher than that of girls.The reasons for the low prosocial behavior of rural left behind children are as follows:backward kindergarten conditions;low professional quality and skills of kindergarten teachers themselves;imperfect family education methods and indifferent parent-child relationship;and the influence of social culture.On this basis,in view of the reasons,the author puts forward the countermeasures to cultivate the rural left behind children's prosocial behavior: the government improves the kindergarten conditions;preschool teachers meet the needs of children's prosocial behavior development;improve vocational skills,do a good role model,carry out the pilot "mixed age education",empathy into life;families provide support for the development of children's prosocial behavior;play an important role The guiding role of mass media...
Keywords/Search Tags:prosocial behavior, rural areas, left behind children
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