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The Influence Of The Media Function Of Sports Movies On High School Students' Participation In Sports

Posted on:2022-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306509951009Subject:Physical Education Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to examine the media function,peer relationship and sports participation in the existence of a relationship,what features of sports movie media function can promote high school students to participate in physical exercise,and sports medium of film can function through peer relations affect high school students of sports participation,around these problems,this study system of carding the related research at home and abroad,The above problems are verified by the methods of literature,mathematical statistics and in-depth interview.First of all,the questionnaire content in line with this study was developed,including sports film media function scale,sports participation scale and peer relationship scale,which were tested to have good reliability and validity.800 questionnaires were sent anonymously to four high schools in Zhengzhou and Changchun,and 768 valid questionnaires were collected,with an effective rate of96%.The data of the collected valid questionnaires were analyzed.Secondly,through data analysis,the results are obtained :(1)there is a significant influence relationship between sports film media function and high school students' sports participation,and there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of variables;(2)Peer relationship has a significant mediating effect and is a complete mediating effect in the process of sports film media function affecting high school students' sports participation.In discussing which function of sports film media has the most significant influence on the sports participation of high school students,this research divides the sports film media function into educational function,entertainment function and information communication function,and takes sports participation as the independent variable and the dependent variable to conduct research and analysis.The results show that:(1)In the direct influence relationship between sports film media function and high school students' sports participation,educational function,entertainment function and information communication function all have significant influence.Among them,the information communication function of sports film has the most significant influence on high school students' sports participation,followed by entertainment function and finally educational function.(2)In the mediation model,the sports pleasure of peer relationship has the most significant influence on the sports participation of senior high school students in the sports film media function,followed by respect and support,loyalty and intimacy,and finally friendship value.Finally,through the analysis of the above data,the research has drawn the following conclusions :(1)the media function of sports movies can enhance the interest of high school students in sports and promote their participation in sports activities;(2)Watching sports movies can effectively improve the peer relationship and sports participation of senior high school students;(3)Good peer relationship in physical education class can effectively promote the improvement of class quality and is an effective external factor to promote high school students to participate in physical activities;(4)Different media functions in sports movies have different influences on high school students' sports participation,which suggests that sports teaching workers should pay close attention to the characteristics of rich and diverse information conveyed by sports movies,give full play to the advantages of sports movies,innovate sports teaching models,and improve students' sports participation.
Keywords/Search Tags:sports film, Media function, Sports participation, Peer relationship, The mediation effect
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