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Government Support、Talent Pooling And Technological Innovation Efficiency

Posted on:2022-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306542456334Subject:Applied Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the background of innovation driven development strategy,the high-tech industry has become a backbone of China’s innovative country construction.By promoting government support and promoting the gathering of human resources,we are actively promoting the innovation and development of high-tech industries.Among them,the efficiency of technological innovation is an important indicator of the effectiveness of high-tech industrial innovation development of inspection,exploring the current state of high-tech industrial innovation development research,the role mechanism of government support,high technology industry human resources and innovation efficiency gathering,this study laguna beach yangtze river and also sampled high technology industry in 2009-2018 high technology industry government support mechanism,We will deeply consider the accumulation of human resources and the efficiency of technological innovation in the high-tech industry.In this paper,we first organize the literature on the efficiency of government support,human resource accumulation,and technological innovation,summarize classic theories,analyze the current level of government support,human resource accumulation level and current status based on panel data of nine ministries in the three largest cities in 2009-2018,and analyze the current state of innovation and development of high-tech industries.In addition,the efficiency of government support,human resource accumulation,and technological innovation was examined.In this paper,we study and analyze the relationship between the accumulation of human resources and the efficiency of technological innovation with different government support using the Hansen panel barrier effect model,taking into account the gradual changes in government support and regional differences.According to the demonstration results,the impact of the accumulation of human resources on the efficiency of technological innovation has a double-curfew effect of government support.When government support crosses the first hurdle,the concentration of human resources has a significant impact on the efficiency of technological innovation.When governments support beyond the second hurdle,there is a weak restraint in the concentration of human resources on the efficiency of technological innovation.For this reason,government support and the flow of human resources must be scientifically coordinated,the reverse extrusion effect must be prevented,and innovation and development of high-tech industries must be promoted.
Keywords/Search Tags:government support, talent pooling, technology innovation efficiency, high-tech industry, threshold effect
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