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An Empirical Study On The Impact Of Decent Work On Employee Performance From The Perspective Of Self-Determination Theory

Posted on:2023-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569306605482964Subject:Human resources management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of Decent work was put forward by the International Labour Organization(ILO)at the 87th International Labour Conference in June 1999.It aims to promote the access of men and women to decent,productive and sustainable work opportunities under conditions of freedom,justice,safety and human dignity.In the past20 years,most studies on decent work have focused on the macro institutional and policy environment faced by decent work,while there are few studies on enterprises at the medium level and few empirical data.At present,few studies directly point out why enterprises need to guarantee the realization of decent work.In order for enterprises to voluntarily guarantee decent work for their employees in addition to their legal social responsibilities,we must consider the benefits decent work brings to enterprises.Due to the employee performance is generally considered to be of great significance to the development of organizations,as a result,we attempted to use employee performance as the outcome variable to explore the impact of decent work on enterprise development,and employee performance is usually divided into in-role performance and out-of-role performance,in-role performance can be measure with task performance,and organizational citizenship behavior is the manifestation of out-of-role performance.Finally,we choose task performance and organizational citizenship behavior as the ultimate outcome variables.At the same time,researchers also believe that existing studies on decent work lack attention to micro individual psychology[1].According to Duffy et al.’s series of research ideas on decent work in the framework of work psychology theory,the influence of decent work on many positive consequences,such as job engagement,job satisfaction and reduced turnover rate,is realized through employee need satisfaction[2],and need satisfying mechanism is the core of the self-determination theory,according to self-determination theory,work related psychological demand mainly includes the relationship need,ability need,and autonomy need[3].When the external work environment can meet the basic psychological needs of employees,it will promote the internalization of individual external motivation and enable employees to show more positive behaviors.Therefore,this article attempts from the perspective of self-determination theory delve into decent work for employee performance.In addition,since different individuals have different perceptions of work,and resilience is an important factor that affects employees’perceptions of work,exploring its moderating role between decent work and need satisfaction is also helpful for us to deeply understand the influencing path of decent work.Based on the above considerations,this study decided to examine the impact of decent work on employee performance(task performance and organizational citizenship behavior)with need satisfaction as the mediator and resilience as a moderator.This paper firstly reviews the literature on the main variables involved in the study,including decent work,employee performance(task performance and organizational citizenship behavior),need satisfaction and resilience,Then,it demonstrated the relationship between decent work and employee performance(task performance and organizational citizenship behavior)by combining theories and literature review,discusses the mediating role of need satisfaction and the moderating role of resilience,and clarifies the influence mechanism between decent work and employee performance(task performance and organizational citizenship behavior),so as to propose research hypotheses and establish a theoretical model.Finally,this study used questionnaire survey to collect relevant data of major variables and carried out data analysis,mainly carrying out reliability analysis,confirmatory factor analysis,correlation analysis and regression analysis to test the scale and verify the research hypothesis.Specifically,462 questionnaires were distributed to employees of an enterprise in Chengdu,Sichuan province and Zhengzhou,Henan Province using the method of cluster random sampling,and 447 valid questionnaires were collected.The results of data analysis showed that all the scales had good reliability and validity,and the following conclusions were drawn:(1)decent work had significant positive effect on task performance and organizational citizenship behavior;(2)need satisfaction plays a mediating role in the relationship between decent work and task performance,decent work and organizational citizenship behavior;(3)resilience positively moderated the relationship between decent work and need satisfaction.This study has shown that when the enterprise can ensure employees decent work make employees get need satisfaction,employees not only within the scope of the job tasks performed well,but also improves its out-role performance,thus more conducive to the sustainable development of the enterprise,in addition,the enterprise can also cultivate and develop the employee’s resilience to make them experience more need satisfaction at work.Therefore,it is hoped that this study can provide some reference for enterprise management practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:decent work, employee performance, need satisfaction, self-determination theory
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