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Research On The Impact Of Technological Progress Bias On Total Factor Productivity

Posted on:2021-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569306725497004Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Changing the mode of economic development and improving the quality of economic development require continuous improvement of total factor productivity in the future.The growth of total factor productivity is inseparable from the support of technology,and the bias of technological progress will have a significant impact on total factor productivity.To explore the influence of China’s current technological progress bias on total factor productivity,and to compare and analyze different types of technological progress bias will help to choose the path of China’s future economic development and promote the smooth transformation and upgrading of the economy.In view of this,this article attempts to solve the following problems based on existing research:(1)measure the current technological progress bias and total factor productivity index of China,and analyze their development status and the practical relevance between them;(2)In what way does the technological progress bias affect total factor productivity;(3)How do different types of technological progress bias affect total factor productivity differently.Based on the existing research,this paper measures the relationship between technological progress bias and total factor productivity.First of all,analyze the current elasticity of capital-labor production factor substitution in China by constructing a standardized supply-surface system equation,and further calculate and analyze the current situation of China’s technological progress bias and total factor productivity development.secondly,construct a correlation model between the two and to analyze the effect of technological progress bias on total factor productivity.finally,with the help of dynamic panel model(System GMM Estimation)empirically tests the relationship between the two,and makes a comparative analysis of the impact of technological progress capital bias and technological progress labor bias on total factor productivity.The research in this paper draws the following conclusions:(1)the technological progress bias is mainly determined by the elasticity of capital-labor substitution,and the change of production factor endowment structure directly affects the direction and size of technological progress bias,and ultimately affects the growth of total factor productivity;(2)The theory of change in the efficiency of production factors will have a positive effect on the growth of total factor productivity.However,the current labor and capital efficiency in China have a restraining effect on total factor productivity.China’s current factor efficiency needs to be improved urgently,and the unreasonable industrial structure will hinder the economic development;(3)China’s current technological progress bias presents capital bias as a whole,but the provinces with faster economic development present a trend of transferring technological progress bias to labor bias;(4)at the national level,both the capital bias of technological progress and the labor bias of technological progress can promote total factor productivity.Regionally,the eastern and central regions’ technological progress bias performance effectively promotes total factor productivity growth,while the western region shows a restraint phenomenon.Therefore,the localities should be targeted for development,and technologically advanced capital-biased regions should pay attention to the development of capital-intensive industries.For technologically advanced labor-biased regions,they should adjust the structure of labor force and constantly exert their creative ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technological Progress Bias, Total Factor Productivity, Elasticity of Element Substitution, Dynamic Panel Data Model
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