During this phase, to provide a high-qualification human resource servicing for socio-economic development and process of industrialization and modernization of the country, the assurance and enhancement of training quality have become one of the important targets of the Universities in Vietnam.To make this come true, Vietnamese Universities must boost inspection and evaluation at all stages of training activity, including:evaluation on training programs, training text book, material facilities, etc. and the most important thing is to evaluate lecturer team through their professional activities. Lecturers must be qualified with high consciousness and play a key role in training human recourses and improving talents. Hence, evaluation of lecturer’s activities in general and teaching and scientific research activities, in specific, will promote both their professional development and improvement in enhancing training quality of the Universities.As a result, when building criteria system and evaluation procedure for teaching and scientific research activities of lecturers; we had focused on the following issues:Firstly, to make a scientific basis in building criteria system and evaluation procedure for teaching and scientific research activities of lecturers in the Vietnamese Universities, we had conducted to survey at some Universities in the Northern, the Middle and the Southern Vietnam. Through survey, it is concluded that evaluation on teaching and scientific research activities of lecturer have not been based on work effect, hence, it has not yet encouraged good lecturer’s dedication and sieved low-qualification lecturers who do not meet teaching and scientific research requirements. Vietnamese Universities, basically, has not yet built a suitable evaluation procedure and index system with lecturer’s characteristicsSecondly, we had conducted researches on evaluation experience of Universities in USA, Australia, Japan and especially, lecturer evaluation experience of China a country with similarities of political institutions, and culture with Vietnam. Therefore; their experience of evaluating university lecturers can be studied and applied successfully in Universities and Colleges of Vietnam. When making research on lecturer evaluation experience of Universities in USA, Australia, Japan, China, we had focused on two big issues:the task of lecturer and evaluation information sourceThirdly, basing on regulation of Ministry of Education and Training and research results of the Authors worldwide on task of lecturer, we suggest index to evaluate lecturer’s teaching tasks and scientific research as follows:number of teaching tasks, effects of teaching and quality of teaching, changes in teaching method, and obtained achievements in teaching and research, student consultation, scientific research, writing scientific journals, text book, and reference book, instructing student in scientific researches, etc. In terms of evaluation and information source for evaluation, we chose360-degree method, by this method, information is collected from different sources:from Dean of the faculty or Head in charge of a chair and especially, from Student (can be considered as customer). So, the evaluation will return an objective and accurate result from using different information sources at the same time.Additionally, the thesis had recomended a specific and scientific evaluation procedure to guarantee a transparent and objective evaluation through teaching and scientific research activities of lecturerFourthly, to make sure the application possibilities of research results and building a index system and evaluation procedure of teaching and scientific research activities of University lecturers in Vietnam, we had conducted to put them into practice at a faculty of a specific University in Vietnam. The experiment had revealed its objective result and highly appreciated by the University.In summary, evaluation on effects of teaching and scientific research activities of lecturer isvery complicated and difficult. It is hard to build a suitable index and evaluation procedure with characteristics of each University. |