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Research On The Decent Work And Incentive Mechanism In Chinese Apparel Industry Based On ERG Theory

Posted on:2015-03-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330467950254Subject:Costume design and engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of ’Decent Work’ was launched in the report of Juan Somavia, the former Director-General of the International Labour Organization. It involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.Textile and apparel industry is the most typical labour-intensive industry in the background of globalization so that the attention is attracted in the implementation and promotion of decent work in China’s apparel industry. To comply with the social and economic development, balance should be stricken between the two parties of labour and capital and the evaluation standard is needed. Only the government and enterprises work together to implement, improve and protect the rights of workers can a new solution to the labour conflicts be provided.Through the questionnaire survey, interview and visit in several apparel processing and brand enterprises for the frontline workers, non-frontline workers and managers, the feasible incentive mechanism of decent work is established based on ERG theory, which provides scientific basis and references for the implementation and promotion of decent work.The main contents of the research are as follows:①Concepts and theories related to decent work and the development situation of decent work home and abroad.Through the literature research and case study, the related concepts, organizations and standards of decent work are stated. From the international, national and China’s apparel industrial levels, the situation and trend of labour market and decent work are discussed. Based on the national conditions in China, ERG theory is chosen as the basis of the intensive mechanism of decent work in China’s apparel industry.②The mechanism and function of the decent work evaluation in releasing the labour conflicts.According to the statistical data of the decent work satisfaction and attention degree of the survey respondents, the decent work satisfaction optimal scaling and incentive needs model are established. Through the survey of the workers and managers’understanding, evaluation and supportance of decent work, combining with the managers’espectation of the workers, effective methods of raising the workers’ satisfaction are found to improving the stability of labour relations.③Decent work evaluation of different types of workers and the corresponding incentive mechanism.The terms of frontline workers and non-frontline workers in China’s apparel industry are defined. Through the clustering analysis, the respondents are divided into four types according to the three aspects of needs in ERG theory. Combining with the decent work incentive needs model and the ’Frustration-Regression’ principle in ERG theory, the sustainable incentive mechanism is established as a reference for enterprises to alleviate the labour conflicts.The concept of Decent Work is extended from frontline workers to non-frontline workers in this paper so that the scope of research is broadened and the the model established can be applied into more fields.The incentive mechanism system is established for different hierarchies of needs. In the pratical implementation, the types and characteristics of workers could be estimated through the periodic feedback result of the survey. The incentive measures which can be conducted and adjusted have flexibility and sustainability, providing the scientific theory and implementation method for the structural adjustment of China’s apparel industry and human resource management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Decent Work, Incentive Mechanism, Apparel Industry, ERG Theory
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