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The Structure Change Analysis Of The Town Government After Tax Reform

Posted on:2011-07-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330332982885Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The town government is China's political power at the grass-root level, it represents the countries directly facing the rural reality and has a very complicated and very specific task. After tax reform, the township government structure is not in a way suited to the current political and economic situations of the rural development and the contradiction is becoming increasingly conspicuous, and great financial pressures impel the township government to change its structure.The study of structural transformation of the town government is of great significance of deepening the administration reform and promoting social harmony and scientific development: the transformation of governmental functions, deepening the town government's institution reforms and improving governmental efficiency.The paper's thesis is the structural transformation of the town government, its analysis tool is good governance, its foundation is our local governments, and from the clarifications of basic concepts and basic theories, the paper presents the concrete solutions of the town promoting super-ministry system reform, by applying integrated approach of theory research, document study, case analysis,the paper finds the main paths to our town governmental structure rationalization:super-ministry system reform, horizontally five-department independent governance and vertically multiple organization network governance. It warns that the town government should step out of the structure traps to avoid the mixture of government and party committee and the realistic dilemma of self-supervision. Moreover, it forecasts the town&village relationship will be reinvented in the future and raises the further structure reform proposal of changing the town into the street and changing the village into the residents' committee.This paper is made up of about 140,000 words and mainly includes the following:Introduction:the reason of research question selection, research significance, logic, methodology and the creation.ChapterⅠ:Theory review of the town government structure. Firstly, it defines town government and town government structure and its composition and then generalizes that there are three basic theories regarding the town government structure:political and administrative unity, national and social unity and combination of legislative and executive powers.ChapterⅡ:It studies the analysis tool of the town government structure—good governance.Firstly, it analyzes the origin of "good governance",its concept and elements and how to grasp its connotations. It emphasitically analyzes the meanings and characteristics of the power and duty configuration, the aim and task, content of the power and duty configuration designing, designs of department structure and function designing as well as the power and duty configuration of the town government. Finally, it analyses the government's need of choice of an effective tool,and good governance is the right choice.ChapterⅢ:It reviews the history of the town government structure and realistic dilemma, and divides the history of the town government structure into three stages.After the founding of New China, as to the rural grassrooted organizations there have been three major changes (town people's congress and the committee, the people's communes, the stage after reforms of taxes and charges); it analyze the structural changes of the power and functions after reforms of taxes and charges:the town government functions being wakened, institutional reform being problematic, and administrative structure relations being changed and furtherly analyzes the structural changes after reforms of taxes and charges; it analyses briefly those structural difficulties of our town government:the financial insufficience of the town government, supportive policies lagging behind, governmental organization expansion, official-centered value orientation and no tough constraints.ChapterⅣ:It analyses the present conditions of our town government structure,taking Dongdong Town of Huazhou City in Guangdong Province for example. To begin with the basic information of Dongdong Town of Huazhou City in Guangdong Province it analyses the structural changes after reforms of taxes and charges; it summarizes the achievements of the structural reform of Dongdong Town of Huazhou City in Guangdong Province (building leader structure to project a new structural image; reinforcing cadre management to project a new structural efficiency; seizing the weak links to support agricultural, industrial and commercial enterprises; grasping the quota target to turn a company around); it finds out the structural problems and causes of Dongdong Town of Huazhou City.The structural problems lie in structural instability, imsymmetrical between power and duty, unreasonable structural dimension, no financial support structure and weak structural radiative force. The reasons of the structural problems lie in no combination of studying theory with practice, no integration of the guidelines and the reform requirements,no reunification of mechanisms and practical reforms and a large gap between working style and the masses'expectations.ChapterⅤ:It analyses the main paths of the town government structural rationalization:super-ministry system reform, horizontally five-department independent governance and vertically multiple organization network governance.Firstly, it studies the fundamental connotations, international experience and message of super-ministry system,the requirements of super-ministry system from the perspective of public essence of the town government,the drivers and tasks and the town institution reforms of super-ministry system. Then, from the perspective of administrative functions, the town government departments should be made up of policy-making, implementation, supervision, consulting and information section and they operate independently. Finally, from the new hierachy, it points out another way of the town government structural rationalization:vertically multiple organization network governance:a vertical network structure contains not only traditional linear layer, but also various relationships between modern town government and other organizations, like a "net"Eventually, it draws conclusions including the main results and future trends and warnings of the major structural traps of the town government.
Keywords/Search Tags:government structure, super-ministry system governance, five-department independent governance, multiple network governance
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