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Study Of Government Performance Under The Incentive Perspective

Posted on:2008-06-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360212485765Subject:Minority areas of public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Performance measure is an important yardstick to valuation the achievements and activities of a government. China is in a crucial period of transition to socialist market economic system, during which social contradictions in various levels have emerged. We may have to face the problems that developed countries and emerging market economies have experienced, and the twists and turns that other transition countries are also likely to experience. How to motivate the government, how to make a good government performance and how to further promote the building of a harmonious society is a major issue in front of us. Good motivation mechanism can make a tremendous positive effect for organizations, particularly for the government departments to work better. From a logical point of view, the evaluation is the prerequisite of encouragement and motivation is the extension of evaluation. The ultimate aim of assessing performance is to promote competition between individuals and departments and reward those who have outstanding performance, in the basis of which to form the corresponding competition and incentive mechanisms and improve the level of performance. Government performance assessment, in a sense, means that the government has incentive mechanisms. This paper is based on the point view of "motivation", discusses theories of motivation and performancemanagement from perspectives of economics and management science, study government action, explore government performance, and explore the design of reasonable incentive mechanism to achieve the purpose of enhancing government performance. This is precisely the main aim of this paper.We take reviewing the theory of "motivational" and "performance evaluation of government" for the beginning of this article, and then , we summarize and contrast the practical of the developed nations, newly marketed economy, and nations in transformation, clarifying the necessity and the feasibility of motivating government departments. But at beginning of our country to import the performance measurement and motivational system when in the last century, there are many problems emerging already. For these reasons, this thesis importees the Principal-Agent Theory before we discuss how to form our model of government performance measurement system, as we view "commission-agency" as the utterly fact which will also lead to information dissymmetry, and in this case, "motivation" is the best way to achieve Pareto optimization , then, we build the theory model of "motivation-oriented performance management system of government", and we think of it as the primary way to drive the action of the government to a higher level. Basing the theory model of this, we bring forward our practical model of "new motivation system according to theperformance measurement of government" and "the new performance measurement of government that stress more to the motivation measures", and this is the conclusion of my article. At the same time, we pay close attention to constructing the harmonious society of our social democracy, and we think our thesis model will do something good to this course. Researching how the performance measurement of government works in the times of constructing the harmonious society of our social democracy will be my study of next step.Concerning the methodology, this thesis applies various methods such as comparative analysis, case study, historic induction, normative and positive analysis, as well as qualified and quantified analysis. By hierarchical retrospect of history and horizontal contrast between different periods, this thesis works out a framework fitting to China's reality, depend upon which a motivation-oriented performance management system is established. Comprehensively using different methods for separate subject matter constitutes unique characteristics of this thesis. Put in details, this thesis seeks to compare and contrast three kinds of economic regimes, namely the developed nations, newly marketed economy, and nations in transformation. Based on this, the author comes to conclusion of six principles to motivate government, including responsibility, instrumentality, humanism, efficacy, sustainability and facilitation.Scientific appraisal of government performance is a global difficulty, research on which in China is in its initiation and will remain so in near future. Further, we are facing a thoroughly different situation from those of western counterparts, and shall therefore restrain from buying their appraisal system without reservation, let alone to endeavor for a universal logic. Instead, we shall hold on the Marxist principle of particular analyses for particular situations, setting focal point the early stage of socialism in China. Along the summarization, critique, and promotion of the reform, performance appraisal of government will improve. Constructing harmonious society and advancing socialism democracy are vital strategic decisions in contemporary China, constitute the core of any and all other works, and represent the maximum result of social effects pursued by the government appraisal, researchers working on which shall keep in mind the basic development of this country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Motivation Mechanism, The efficiency of the government, Performance evaluation system
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