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Study On World Order From The Perspective Of Feminism

Posted on:2008-05-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360215953096Subject:International politics
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Order is the basic pursuit of human, and it is also the core issue of IR. At the end of 1980s, feminism entered into IR, and began to concentrate on world order. Feminism consider that it is short of gender factor seriously in world order study. The dominant status of male and masculinity made female, female issues and feminity neglected and margined. It leads that mainstream paradigms can't understand world order completely and objectively. They can't explain and provide resolutions reasonably for many global issues of today. Study on world order from the perspective of feminism, analyzing it from gender, presenting the hiding gendered meanings of mainstream paradigms, discussing the feasibility of feminist world order is a initiate profitable try in theory,and it can provide a choice for people to construct a new world order in practice.The purpose of this article is to discuss world order ideas according with feminist pursuit in theory. Aiming at the initialization of feminist world order study, this article tries to analyze world order with the tool of gender, card and animadvert on mainstream studies, keep an eye on world order practice, construct feminist world order in theory according to the process feminist world order ideas coming into being. In order to do so, this article is constituted of five chapters. Chapter one is theoretical backgrounds of the whole article, and it is also the basis and reason that feminist perspective entered into world order study. The topic of chapter two, chapter three and chapter four is unscrambling and criticizing the gendered characteristic of mainstream paradigms. This is the process that feminism deconstructs mainstream studies. The purpose of chapter five is to construct world order from the perspective of feminism theoretically. Chapterâ… surveyed world order from multidimensional angles of liberalism, realism, constructivism and feminism etc. World order study are spread out in debates of schools. Liberalism believes that institutions represent world order, and they are also the means realizing world order. Spreading ideas and institutions, keeping balance of interests by international cooperation, the world will be peaceful and orderly. From human nature and international anarchy, traditional realism and neo-realism think that power is the core category to understand world order. From their point, world order is the result of pursuing power, it manifests the balance of power. For world order, there is only the change in form, its essence is unvarying. Constructivism introduced ideas in world order study, which were ignored by mainstream paradigms. Constructivism believes that ideas is the noumenon of world order, conflict, cooperation, war and peace are the results of anarchical cultures. On the base of these schools, feminism study world order by gender ,and hold that gender is the basic factor of world order. As long as analyzing gender, we can understand world order in deed.Chapterâ…¡repudiated the methodology of mainstream paradigms, and established feminist methodology. On ontology, mainstream paradigms such as realism, liberalism, believe that the essence of the world is material. World order which materialized by entities such as states and international institutions reflects the relationships between powers. Feminism and constructivism deem that he essence of the world is ideas. World order is made by inter-subjective shared ideas. There isn't a given logic in anarchy. Conflicts of international relations are the results of hostility between states. Different from constructivism, feminism analyzed world order on base of gender relations. On epistemology, mainstream paradigms try to prove the objectivity of world order by positivism approach from individualism angle. Individualism created state on model of"independent man", positivism premised that man dominate reason and international practice. This leads to highlighting masculinity and excluding female and feminity in world order study. Feminism cognizes world order by feminist empiricism and feminist standpoint. Feminist empiricism insisted on adding women, making women as knowers, making practice and experience of women as the source of knowing world order. Feminist standpoint believed that women are in world order all along, and they can produce more just and more impartial ideas, because of their marginal and subservient status. On analytic approaches, feminism discarded the methods of natural science and economics, and are more in favor of interpretive, sociological and ethnologic methods. By using for reference critical theory, constructivism and textual analysis, feminism formed three methods, viz. feminist critical analysis, feminist constructivism analysis and feminist textual analysis.Chapterâ…¢unscrambled the premises of mainstream paradigms, revealed the gender bias hiding in them. Separating international politics from internal politics is one of the presumes of mainstream world order study. Dualism of public and private in internal politics established the citizenship of man who can participate in public affaires, and excluded women in private sphere. The former is superior to the latter in value. This dualism extend to international relations domain, which leaded to the connection of order with internal politics, anarchy with international politics in mainstream paradigms. This ruled out the possibility of female entering into world order domain, and made international politics a world without women. International anarchy is the logical starting point of mainstream world order study. Its original version is natural state, its basic features are violence and reason. In the international anarchy of mainstream paradigms, females and small and weak states are defined in"the other". The absence of female in international society is before international anarchy in logic, it is not the result but the premise of international anarchy."State-centered perspective"and"state as the rational actor"are the other presumes of mainstream. The understanding of world order is on the base of the knowledge of state, order is the result of interaction of powers. The crucial effect of state excludes the gender factor in world order successfully. The premise of"state as rational actor"contains the identity of masculinity. The separating of morality of state from universal morality excludes female and feminity which belongs to unrational and moral domain from world order ulteriorly.Chapterâ…£analyzed the core categories such as power, state and security from feminist angle. World order in mainstream is defined as conflicting and coercive relationships among states, which eliminates the possibility of world order construction by small and weak states and females. Starting point from the connection, feminism defines power as power to and power with. This concept of power can help us to understand the more interdependent and more cooperative world in the global era. Mainstream paradigms insist that states are established and ruled by men, world order is dominated and kept by hegemonic states. World order is the balance of interests among sovereignties. The concept of sovereignty came from the concept of independence of male, national interests are provided with the characteristics of male- centered. This labeled world order gendered feature. Feminism believes that states are not separated but associated. Patriarchy endowed world order on masculinity, but state is still the basic road to realizing feminist world order. In mainstream paradigms, national security is state- centered, and war and peace are the standards to evaluate world order. By connecting war with man and peace with woman, mainstream paradigms excluded feminism out of construction of world order. Feminism insists that the connection between female and peace should not to be the pretext that excluding women out of world order, but the excuse of adding women in. The impulse of women movement to world peace shows that women's involvement in peaceful movement may bestead gender equality and world peace. Surveying security from feminist perspective, making individual as the point of thinking about security, getting rid of insecurity in connection, may help to dissolve security dilemma which puzzled states.Chapterâ…¤clarified feminist world order ideas, discussed the approach of its construction. Feminism sparkplugs a just and caring world. It insists that justice needs a comprehensive attitude and standpoint, which concentrates on specific person and situation, and it isn't highly abstract. Just world order should include gender equality and national equality, justice between gender is the base of global justice. Care is another moral form. Bring care into international relations can provide means to global issues. In order to realize this order, it needs to adding and establishing the core status of gender analysis, and changing and reconstructing mainstream paradigms in theory. It also need to conforming female and female issues into decision-making, and exalting women's status to change the agenda. To carry out feminist world order need to recur to the proposition of state in the state-centric era. There are so many consensuses on goals, stressing on connection, paying attention to the marginal, attaching importance to international cooperation between the idea of"harmonious world"of China and feminist ideas of world order. They using for reference and relying on each other may help to establishing a peaceful, just, harmonious and developing world.Studying on world from the perspective of feminism, opens up the view of world order study, embodies the ultimate care of people, accords with the pursuit of peace, justice and harmony. At the same time, paying attention to individual excessively, ignoring state relatively, and lacking of communication with mainstream paradigms, all of these make feminist world order need to improvement in theory and in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Feminism, World Order, Mainstream Paradigms, Gender Analysis, Harmonious World
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