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A Study On The Modern Curriculum Value Orientaion

Posted on:2001-11-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360002951367Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A study on the modern curriculum value orientation Curriculum is one of the most significant fields in school education, which actually sifts the part of adapting to the demands of students growing and of being able to make them develop along 搕his track?in the broad and endless human cultural heritage, in there are the different levels of targets and all kinds of curriculum elements, such as, knowledge, experience, attitude, skills. The category of knowledge and culture has a direct bearing on the category cumculum, but compared with the ideal goal of knowledge and culture, curriculum, which coincides with the present of nature power of humanity, is very profound. I put forward the topic on constructing the modern curriculum value orientation in the vision of the spirit of humanity. The essence of curriculum design is to choose and organize the existing experience of human being effectively, And it exists for living and the development of every citizen in the future while presenting its value and significance, it is a kind of culture with far-reaching meaning. In the generative process of curriculum logic structure, the value vein was hidden in it as the precondition while playing the original role. The selectivity of the curriculum value orientation is a result. Which integrates regularity with purpose, a result of the interaction of the historical determinism and the selectivity of curriculum subject. The curriculttni value orientation is making its gradual progress from ?have to ?state to the vast alternative space, reflecting the objective law of curriculum development. The evolution of the curriculum value orientation is a law which can be followed, but when the law transforms into reality and is grasped by the curriculum subject that is limited by some certain conditions. No law can satisfy all conditions, when it is changed into realities. lliat is to say, the subjective selectivity of the curriculum value orientation is to grasp the evolution law of curricultrm value in the forms of contingency, probability, arid non-restrictive decisiveness. Time curriculum value orientation is limited by the goal of curriculum and certain social historical condition .The modern curricula theory believes that the knowledge (course), teacher, children and society are restricted and influenced by each other. The generative base of curriculum is various, and it contains the richest value elements. As organic component part of integrated curriculum, the curriculum of rational value orientation and the non-rational value orientation are restricted and complemented by each other. The cultivation and the training of the spirit of humanity have no direct bearing on learning what kind of knowledge, and the crucial link is requiring human as the starting point and destination to comprehend and apply knowledge so as to appreciate the culture meaning relevant to the personal life and practice. Through the critical nature of the spirit of humanity, it provides guidance to the value orientation. As the specially culture phenomenon, curriculum has double iii structures. For this reason, requiring the subject of learning to carefully comprehend from aim, needs, motivation and affection in all aspects, etc. According to the guiding ideology, 搕he humanism ? the modern curriculum should be consisted of general course, specialized course, science course and liberty course. The modern curriculum exploitation must depend on the spirit of humanity to judge and appreciate the development of experience, knowle...
Keywords/Search Tags:humanity spirit, culture, value orientation, curriculum
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