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Research On The Development Of Chinese School Music Education In The Twentieth Century

Posted on:2002-08-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360032455131Subject:Art of Music
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this thesis, the object of research was the developing process of Chinese school music education over this century. The author researched emphatically on the produce, development and relation of theory and practice of music education in our country primary schools, high schools, normal schools and the teachers colleges and universities in this historical stage. He then summarized gain and loss and regular patterns to provide the basis and reference for the further development of our country's school music education.According to author's opinion, the developing process of Chinese school music education can be divided to six periods. 1. The bud period (1901-1919):The mark was the rising and developing of school songs. 2. The initial period (19 19-1949): With the development of "May fourth" new culture movement, aesthetic education was gradually paid attention to and music education began to start. 3. The construction period (1949-1956): The founding of New China established the status of aesthetic and musical education in school education. 4. The tortuous development period (1957-1966): Although aesthetic education was not taken seriously, school music education still developed slowly in predicament. 5. The standstill period (1966-1976): Under the disturbance of the line of Ultra "Left", aesthetic education was denied and school music education suffered serious destruction. 6. The prosperity period (1977-2000):Aesthetic education's status in school education was again established and school music education appeared an unprecedented prosperous aspect.From the six periods' developing process of Chinese school music education we can see that school music education was developed robustly in that period when government included aesthetic education into the education policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese school music education, Aesthetic education, In hetwentieth century.
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