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Effective Models Research On Vocational Ethics Education

Posted on:2008-03-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360212991383Subject:Vocational and Technical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A successful person of satisfying the social demands should not only have excellent vocational skills, but also possess qualified vocational ethics. With the technical progression, industrial development and competition inspiration ever since 1970s, vocational ethics education(VEE) towards professionals has caught strong attention worldwide. Yet how to define an effective VEE as well as how to build an effective model for VEE are quite attractive but confused questions to those academics and organizations who are concerned. Based on such a reality of VEE of today' s China plus personal academic interest, the author is willing to answering those questions mentioned above by drawing this dissertation in the title of Effective Model Research of Vocational Ethics Education.This dissertation concludes two parts. One part is Introductions and the other one is Main Argumentations.Instructions cover instructive elements such as like reasons of conducting this research, research background, research objectives, main contents, methods and relevant core concepts, in which author not only introduces the Anomie phenomena of national vocational ethics, but also analyzes reasons of educational dimension and meanwhile to reflect researcher' s working motivation. Many countries and regions including Taiwan have already conducted research in VEE, however not many with the specific target on the educational model, in particular in the perspective of culture. By employing basic methods like literature review, systematic method and case study, author goes deeper to understand theories and to analyze realities so that to define the roots for the ineffectiveness and even effectiveless of models for VEE as the first step, then considers the construction undertaking from the cultural dimension as the next step.Main Argumentations part contains 5 chapters and conclusions. According to the mental map of General-Part-General as well as the logistic development of Theory-Practice-Theory-Practice, author demonstrates his research contents and journey.[Chapter 1] To display what is the model of VEE, its elements and features from the angle of academic fundamental position. Author holds that this model is either made of institutions with educational function or responsibilities on vocational ethics, or practical norms widely accepted and abided by average. The model itself is constitutes core concepts, educational objectives, educational contents and specific methods, which are all featured of a holistic educational activity to benefit educational objects both physically and mentally. In other words, this model should be VEE orientated, centered in VEE, fostered by vocational ethic education content and realized in specific VEE method. Based upon successful practice on effective teaching, theoretical models of ethic education and western business ethics, author got theorized the feature of effective models of VEE, such as sociality, scientificity, diversificity, morality and so on.[Chapter 2] To investigate the deficiencies and historical reasons of the current models of VEE in China. The models of VEE includes the pre-vocation part and the in-vocation part. From the insider' s perspective, one could see those improper objectives, impractical contents, empty methods as well as poor evaluations are jointly leading a weak VEE. From the outsider' s perspective, what one could see is only an isolated picture instead of an integrated VEE. These deficiencies actually are results of the blurred educational concepts and bondage from scientism, which have set blocks for understanding the historical and revolutionary educational tradition, therefore to mislead the VEE into the track of intellectual and political education. Consequently, the VEE in current China has no cultural element to display, but only with low effectiveness till effectiveless or even worse.[Chapter 3] To introduce the updated theories and practical models of VEE with the vocational ethics promotion as the objective ever since the opening-up and reform policy taken place in China. Wearing theoretical wisdom and acting courage, those models have recognized that in order to increase the effectiveness of VEE, school should optimize educational objectives, adjust educational contents, adopt scientific methods and develop the subjective participation from both teachers and students. Meanwhile, their weaknesses are also quite obvious, i. e. self-restricted within the domain of school and get lost in the general moral education and vocational ethic education without the perspective of culture. No wonder people could not get naturally convinced, not to say to promote and spread.[Chapter 4] To bring theory of cultural models to explain the cultural nature of VEE and the value of culture towards the VEE, then put the focus on the concepts, contents, features and significances of cultural models of VEE. What authors defines the Culture Oriented VEE means, in the ultimate aim of facilitating liberal development of individuals, under the guidance of cultural and moral philosophy, by constructing cultural means such as school curriculum, system and law, role models, literature and arts, social customs and so on to influence and formulate pre-professionals and professionals so to build their decent values and principles of vocational ethics, also to prepare their decision making capacity in vocational ethics and foster their healthy vocational personality which to contribute a successful personal career development and a healthy organizational development. In other words, to examine VEE in a cultural lens is to conduct VEE in a cultural way, therefore to arm professionals with advanced cultural capitals. The feature of such model is to emphasize the developmentality, holisticity, exploricity, democracy and aestheticity of VEE. The cultural models have strong vitality, which will be useful to overcome the deficiencies of current VEE, so to improve the effectiveness of VEE.[Chapter 5] To explain the structure and operational mechanism of the Cultural Models of Vocational Ethics Education (CMVEE) in the standing point of practice. CMVEE contains cultural models of community VEE, family VEE, school VEE and Corporate VEE, which are integrated and carrying on the mission of social VEE. The community VEE and family VEE have jointly formed the environment of school VEE and Corporate VEE. It is of vital importance to construct the school VEE, while to reshape Corporate vocational ethics culture is to develop and deepen VEE. The school concepts, teaching culture, curriculum culture and management culture are all foundations of school VEE construction. To reshape Corporate VEE is a process of transforming an Corporate into a moral organization and qualified social citizen, an individual into a sublimated creature, in the end to make a harmonious society between individuals and organizations. In practice, CMVEE emphasizes the integration among the all models of CMVEE and within each model itself. Based on a certain value, system as well as a necessary materialist foundation, all models of CMVEE could be well integrated together, the higher the level of integration shows, the more effective the model plays.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vocational ethics education, Effectiveness, Model, Culture
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